uk/ˈæm.bər/us/ˈæm.bɚ/a hard,transparent, yellowish-brownsubstancethat wasformedinancienttimesfromresin(= asubstanceproducedbytrees)and is used injewellery:
琥珀He has acollectionofprehistoricinsectspreservedinamber.他收集了很多保存在琥珀中的史前昆虫化石。
Greekphilosophersdiscoveredthat when amber isrubbedagainstcloth,lightweightobjectswillstickto it.

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a yellow-browncolour:
Shecombinesstronggeometrywithsubtlecolors, frommutedsagetopaleamber.
Favaios is an ambercolouredsweetwinefrom the Pinhaoareaof Portugal's DouroValley.
the yellowish-orangetrafficlightthatshowsbetween thegreenand theredtowarndriversthat thelightsare about tochange:
(交通信号)黄灯Thelightsturnedto amber.交通信号变成了黄灯。

- Netsuke areminiaturesculpturesmade ofivory,wood,jadeor amber.
- In about eightyearstime, thesteelwillchangeto adarkamber.
- Thelightsflashedamber thengreen.
Geology: precious & semi-precious stones
- agate
- aquamarine
- blood diamond
- carbuncle
- carnelian
- conflict diamond
- cornelian
- crystal
- diamond
- emerald
- gemstone
- jet
- malachite
- marcasite
- onyx
- pearl
- precious stone
- sapphire
- stone
- turquoise
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Less common colours
Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads
uk/ˈæm.bər/us/ˈæm.bɚ/yellow-orange or yellow-brown incolour:
an amberlight
Thelightscastan amberglowon theroom.
made of orcontainingthesubstanceamber:
an ambernecklace
Shestoppedat ashopspecialisinginbeautifulamberjewellery.
- In the amberlightof lateafternoon, hesipshistea.
- Caramelizedsugarshould be amediumambercolour.
- Shefingeredthe amberbeadsat herneck.
- Hecarriedacaneandworean amber signetring.
Less common colours
- amethyst
- apple green
- argent
- ashy
- avocado
- bisque
- blue-black
- claret
- coppery
- dun
- earth tone
- emerald
- puce
- rust
- saffron
- sapphire
- sepia
- sky blue
- tangerine
- taupe
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Geology: precious & semi-precious stones