fitness trampoline
uk/ˈfɪt.nəs ˌtræm.pəl.iːn/us/ˌfɪt.nəs træm.pəˈliːn/(alsomini trampoline);(also mainlyUKrebounder)apieceofexerciseequipmentthat is asmalltrampoline(= aframewithstrongmaterialstretchedacrossit, forjumpingup and down on):
健身蹦床Try afitnesstrampolinefor anexcellentindoorworkout.尝试一下健身蹦床,这是一种很好的室内锻炼。

Catherine Ledner/Stone/GettyImages
- This is one of thebestfitnesstrampolinesyou canbuy.
- Jumping on afitnesstrampolinecanburn7.2caloriesperminute.
- Afitnesstrampolinebringsfunandvarietytoyouraerobicworkout.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- loosen
- resistance training
- Spinning
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
- triceps dip