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单词 blame
to say orthinkthat someone or something did somethingwrongor isresponsiblefor somethingbadhappening
Don't blame me(= it is not myfault)if youmissthebus!如果你没赶上公车可别怪我!
Hugh blames hismotherforhislackofconfidence.休把自己缺乏自信心归咎于他的母亲。
Hugh blames hislackofconfidenceonhismother.休把自己缺乏自信心归咎于他的母亲。
I don't blamesb
said inordertotellsomeone that youunderstandwhy they are doing something and that youagreewith thereasonfor doing it
I don't blame himforgettingangry- she's being reallyannoying.我理解他生气的原因——她实在太烦人了。
"Idecidedtoleave." "I don't blame you!"“我决定离开。” “我理解。”
beto blame
to be thereasonfor something thathappens
Thehotweatherispartlyto blameforthewatershortage.炎热的天气是缺水的原因之一。
More examples
  • It'stemptingto blametelevisionfor theincreaseincrime.
  • They blamedtheirdefeaton the media'sone-sidedreportingof theelectioncampaign.
  • She blamed me forpracticallyeverymistakein thereport.
  • Humanerrorhas been blamed for theaircrash.
  • Anything that goeswrongin theofficeis blamed on Pete.


a bad workman blames his tools
thesituationin whichpeoplesay orthinkthat someone or something did somethingwrongor isresponsiblefor somethingbadhappening
Healthofficialsputthe blameforthediseaseon(= say that thereasonfor thediseaseis)poorhousingconditions.卫生官员们将该疾病的暴发归咎于恶劣的住房条件。
Theytriedtopin(= put)the blameforthekillingonaninnocentarmyofficer.他们试图将杀人罪推到一名无辜的军官身上。
Wewanttofindout whathappened, not toapportionblame(= to say someone or something waswrong).我们想要弄清事情的真相,而不是要去怪罪谁。
take the blame
If you take the blame for something, you say that you did it or that it isyourfault.
If anything goeswrong, I'lltakethe blame.出了问题我负责。
More examples
  • It is not thejobof theinvestigatingcommitteetoallocateblame for thedisaster.
  • Thereportassignedthe blame for theaccidenttoinadequatesafetyregulations.
  • She can'tacceptshe made amistakeand now she'stryingtolaythe blame on herassistant.
  • Iacceptmyportionof the blame.
  • Teachers cannot beexpectedtoshoulderall the blame forpoorexamresults.


At one level, political literature and popular ballads blamed defeat on poor strategic judgement and the administration's skewed continental priorities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As we have seen, the report blamed parents for the state of the evacuees' footwear and clothing, and recommended needlework classes in schools.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There were also those who always blamed others for their plights.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Others blamed the government for failing to extend the 75 service.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If a person cannot properly be blamed for what she has done, then this fact makes condemnation inappropriate.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The inconclusive nature of the judicial reforms can be blamed on the internal workings of the administration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As discussed above, historically it has been women who have been blamed for infer tility, regardless of whether the medical problem actually resides with them.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In other cases, overexposure to contemporary society was blamed or mystical explanations appealed to.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The government accused these groups of being corrupt and inefficient producers, and blamed them for the high meat prices in the urban markets.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The woman blamed the hairdresser with the apprentices who was smiling all the time.
From theCambridge English Corpus
All of the participants were asked whom or what they blamed most for the trauma.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The member state concerned cannot evade its responsibility by blaming private actors or sub-national public authorities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, drought, one of the greatest natural disasters intermittently confronting the nation, was blamed on political conflicts within the royal family.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Politicians and academics were publicly blamed for overlooking local interests.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Are we "blaming" brain chemistry for mental illness?
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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