secretorprivate, often in aformal,business, ormilitarysituation:
Allinformationwill betreatedasstrictlyconfidential.所有的信息都将被视作绝密。
kept hidden from other people
- secretThe spies had a secret meeting.
- covertThe government was accused of covert military operations.
- clandestineHe arranged a clandestine meeting between his client and the candidate.
- confidentialAll the information you give us will be treated as strictly confidential.
- classifiedThese documents contain classified information.
- A person'smedicalrecordsare confidential.
- We havecertainreasonsforourdecision, which have toremainconfidential.
- Helockedthe confidentialdocumentsin hisfilingcabinet.
- Theletterwasmarked'Personal. Strictly confidential.'
- Someone hasleakedconfidentialgovernmentinformationto thepress.
Secrecy and privacy
- anonymity
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymously
- data protection
- dead men tell no talesidiom
- dissimulate
- dissimulation
- down-low
- private
- privately
- privileged
- pseudonym
- pseudonymization
- undisclosed
- whitewash
- whitewashing
- wrap
- wrapped (up) in secrecyidiom