thesmallestunitof anychemicalelement, consisting of apositivenucleussurroundedbynegativeelectrons. Atoms cancombinetoformamolecule:
原子Amoleculeofcarbondioxide(CO2) has onecarbonatom and twooxygenatoms.二氧化碳(CO2)分子是由一个碳原子和两个氧原子构成的。
figurativeHe hasn't an atomofsense(= he has nosense), thatboy.那个孩子啊,一点头脑也没有。

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- Thenucleusof adeuteriumatomcontainsaprotonand aneutron.
- Scientists areworkingtoharnessthepowerof the atom.
Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
- acceptor
- anion
- anti-radical
- antilepton
- antimatter
- antineutrino
- elementary particle
- hydroxyl ion
- interatomic
- interelectronic
- interionic
- intermolecular
- intermolecularly
- isotope
- muon
- neutrino
- non-molecular
- nucleon
- nuclide
- relative atomic mass