uk/ˈeɪ.nəl.i/us/ˈeɪ.nəl.i/anallyadverb(BODY PART)
in a way thatinvolvesorrelatesto theanus(= theopeningthrough whichsolidwasteleavesthebody):
肛门地Somedoctorsrecommendtaking a baby'stemperatureanally for the mostreliablereading.一些医生推荐从婴儿肛门测体温以得到最可靠数据。
- Foxesraisedfortheirfurare anallyelectrocuted.
- There arepeoplewhoclaimto have beenabductedand anallyprobedbyaliens.
- anallypenetrated/sodomized
Relating to particular parts of the body
- abdominal
- abdominis
- aortic
- arterial
- aural
- cervical
- cranial
- genito-urinary
- motor
- neural
- optic
- orally
- pubic
- pubis
- pulmonary
- rectal
- rectally
- renal
- spinal
- synaptic
anallyadverb(MENTAL STATE)
in a way thatrelatesto being tooworriedabout beingorganizedortidy:
整洁成癖地;过分注重细节地He anallystraightensall thepensso that they'reexactlyinline.他仔细把所有的笔摆直,使它们完全成一条直线对齐。
Mymumwas anallytidyso that's how Igrewup.我妈妈有洁癖,所以我就是这样长大的。
- Thehouseiscleanandtidy, but not anally so.
- Anyone who's never had amessybedroommust be really anallyobsessed.
- Why are youactingso anally about all thecushionsbeingstraight?
Wanting everything to be right
- anally retentive
- choosy
- cover all the basesidiom
- dot the i's and cross the t'sidiom
- faddily
- fuss
- fussbudget
- fussily
- fussiness
- fusspot
- pedant
- pedantic
- pedantically
- pedantry
- perfectionism
- punctiliously
- punctiliousness
- purism
- purist
- stickler