adjective[before noun]
(alsononschool)uk/ˌnɒnˈskuːl/us/ˌnɑːnˈskuːl/notbelongingorconnectedto aschool:
Many of thekidsgo to non-schoolclubs.
There arelotsof non-schoolactivitiesthatchildrencan getinvolvedin.
referring to thetimewhenchildrendo not go toschool:
She is onlyavailableduring non-schoolhours.
You areallowedtoworkfor up to sevenhourson a non-schoolday.
- I got introubleforwearingnon-schoolshoes.
- Thebanhad amajoreffecton theScouts, Guides, and other nonschoolgroups.
- They should be doinglotsofoutdooractivitiesduring non-schoolhours.
Not going to school
- absentee
- absenteeism
- exclude
- exclusion
- flunk
- flunk out
- hooky
- non-student
- off-roll
- off-rolling
- skive
- study holiday
- suspend
- suspension
- truancy
- truant
- truant officer
- vac
- wag