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单词 get out
释义 get out
1.leave a car;come or go out 下车;出来;出去
*I told the bus driver that I wanted to get out at the next stop.我告诉汽车司机,我要在下一站下车。
*He took his cap and got out.他拿了帽子出去了。
*He decided to get out while there was still time.他决定趁还有点时间出去一趟。
2.remove(sth.with an effort);take out搬掉;去掉;拔掉
*I can't get this nail out;it's too tight.我无法拔出这颗钉子,它太牢了。
*Can you help me with this wine bottle? I can't get the cork out.你能帮我打开这个酒瓶吗?我取不出这个木塞子。
*Did you get the stain out of your skirt?你裙子上的污迹弄掉了吗?
3.escape 逃脱
*The main pipe burst in the severe cold,and the gas has been getting out.天太冷了,主管道爆裂,煤气外泄。
*When the fighting broke out, George thought it better to get out before it was too late;so he came back to England.战斗打响时,乔治认为他还是趁早离开的好,于是他就回到了英国。
*The prisoners could not find a way to get themselves out.囚犯们无法找到一条逃生之路。
4.receive or gain得到
*When you take part in any performance, you get out as much as you put in.参加任何工作,你都会得到与投入劳动相应的报酬。
*In most walks of life you only get out what you put in.在大部分行业,你只能投入多少得到多少。
5.print or publish 出版
*Jim hopes to get his new book out before the end of the year.吉姆想在年底之前出版他那本新书。
*When are you getting your next book out?你的下一本书何时出版呢?
6.borrow(from a library,etc.)(从图书馆等)借出
*I've got twelve books out for three months.我借了12本书,借期为3个月。
7.leak out; become known unintentionally 漏出来;泄露
*How did the news of his appointment get out before it was officially made known?在正式公布之前他的任命消息是怎么泄露的?
*If the secret gets out, there'll be trouble.如果秘密泄露出去了,那将会有麻烦。
*Don't let it get out that I knew about it.不要对别人说我知道那件事。
*Handle with care,or the sulphuric acid may get out.小心轻放,否则硫酸会泼出来。
8.calculate;succeed in solving or finding the correct answer 计算成功地解决;解答出
*These days,scientists use computers to help them get out the difficult calculations concerning space travel.科学工作者如今利用计算机帮助他们进行有关宇宙航行的复杂计算。
*He has been trying to get this sum out for half an hour,but he'll have to ask the teacher for help.他一直在尽力解这道算术题,但还是不得不请教老师。
*Not a single student in the class got the problem out,班上无一人解出这道题。
9.speak with difficulty;manage to prouduce(困难地)说出;设法说出
*The speaker was so nervous that he could hardly get out more than a sentence.演讲者紧张得说不出一句完整的话。
Paul sometimes stutters.He can't get his words out.保尔说话有时结巴,他无法把意思说清楚。
*She was so shocked that she couldn't get out a single word.她感到大为震惊,连一句话也说不出来。
*He was very embarrassed, but somehow he got the apology out.他很尴尬,但还是勉强说出了道歉的话。
10.prepare and present; make ready 编制并提出;准备好
*We managed to get the teaching plan out on time. 我们终于及时制定出了教学计划。
*They've got out a very interesting scheme.他们搞出了一个很有趣的方案。
*He'll get the car out and we can set off.他把汽车开出来,我们就可以出发了。
*She got a bed out for her umexpected guest.她为这位突然来到的客人准备了张床铺。 拯救
*The house burnt down bat the soldiers managed to ger all the occupants out.那幢房屋烧毁了,但是战士们把里面所有的人都救出来了。




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