anelectricmachineused in thekitchenforbreakingdownfoodsor makingsmoothliquidsubstancesfromsoftfoodsandliquids:
食物搅拌器Put theroastedpumpkininto a blender with acupofcoconutmilk.

- To make thedressing,pulsetheoil,vinegar,mustardandherbsin a blender.
- Blend thesoupin a blender until you have asmoothtexture.
- Whizz theberries,honeyandlemonjuicetogether in a blender with someice.
- I didn't have a blender so I justmashedit with afork.
Kitchen appliances
- Aga
- air fryer
- broiler
- cafetière
- circulator
- gas mark
- griddle
- grinder
- halogen hob
- hand blender
- meat grinder
- mincer
- multicooker
- oven
- oven hood
- stovetop
- teakettle
- toaster
- toaster oven
- white goods
apersonorcompanythatblends(=combines)differentingredientsortypesof something to make aproductsuch aswine,tea, orperfume:
Dom Perignon was amonkfromChampagnewhogainedfameas amasterblender.
Thefirmis a blender andimporteroftea.
someone whocombinesdifferent things orstyles:
She isknownas a blender ofcountrymusicandjazz.
- Perfume blenders takeflowersfrom severalsuccessiveyearstocombinethem into ablendthat smoothes out thevariationsbetween theseasons.
- The blender will make up atrialblend, say 60 c.c. of onewine, 25 c.c. of another, and 80 c.c. of another.
- He has been in thewhiskytradefor 40years,workingfor 12yearsas a blender for Chivas Regal.
Mixing and mixtures
- be neither one thing nor the otheridiom
- blend
- blend in/blend intosomething
- blitz
- brew
- decoction
- emulsion
- guaraná
- homogeneous mixture
- hybridize
- methylate
- mingle
- mixture
- mosaic
- mush
- neither
- saturated solution
- scramble
- substance
- synthesis
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Wines & winemaking
Drinks - general words