uk/tʃɪp/us/tʃɪp/chipnoun(FRIED FOOD)
A1[Cusually plural]UK(USFrench fry)
along,thinpieceofpotatothat isfriedand usuallyeatenhot:
炸薯条,油炸土豆条fishand chips炸鱼加土豆条
beans/egg/sausageand chips豆子/鸡蛋/香肠加薯条
ovenchips(= chips that arebakedin anovenratherthanfried)烤薯条

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A2[Cusually plural]US(USalsopotato chip);(UK(potato) crisp)
a verythin, often roundpieceoffriedpotato, sometimes with aflavouradded,soldespeciallyinplasticbags:

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[Cusually plural]
athinsliceoffriedmaize,banana, or otherfoodthat iseatencold:
炸玉米片(或香蕉片等)tortillachips andsalsa辣沙司佐玉米脆片
- Cod and chips,please.
- Heconsumesvastquantitiesof chips with everymeal.
- Joedemolishedanenormousplatefulofsausagesand chips.
- Thechildrenseemtoexiston adietofburgersand chips.
- I've justboughta deep-fatfryerforcookingchips.
Forms of potatoes as food
- aloo
- alu
- baked potato
- bubble and squeak
- colcannon
- finger chip
- French fry
- fries
- hash browns
- Hasselback potato
- kettle chip
- mash
- mashed potatoes
- potato chip
- potato salad
- scalloped
- shoestring potatoes
- skordalia
- stovies
- wafer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sandwiches & snacks
a verysmallpieceofsemiconductor,especiallyin acomputer, thatcontainsextremelysmallelectroniccircuitsanddevices, and canperformparticularoperations:

anakeseenadee/ iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thecomputerchipcompressesanddecompressesacolourimagein less than a second.
- Theinventionof thesiliconchip was alandmarkin thehistoryof thecomputer.
- Thesiliconchip is aclassicexampleof thebenefitsofminiaturization.
- Using asinglechipreduces(the)noiseon theoutputsignalby 90%.
- We use aPentiumchip.
Electrical components & circuitry
- armature
- baseband chip
- cathode
- cathode ray
- charging point
- circuit breaker
- circuit diagram
- coil
- electromotive
- filament
- LED display
- neutral
- potentiometer
- recharger
- rectifier
- relay
- short circuit
- storage battery
- supercapacitor
- transformer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer hardware
asmallpiecethat has beenbrokenoff alargerobject, or themarklefton anobjectsuch as acup,plate, etc. where asmallpiecehas beenbrokenoff it:
Pollyfellandknockeda chipout ofherfronttooth.波莉摔了一跤,磕掉了一小块门牙。
This mug's got a chipinit/out ofit.这个缸子上有个豁口。

Octavian Lazar/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
- by a noseidiom
- clipping
- crumb
- dab
- dollop
- fraction
- grain
- hint
- oddments
- paring
- peewee
- pinch
- potsherd
- skinny
- spark
- swatch
- tad
- thimbleful
- tidbit
- tiddler
chipnoun(PLASTIC COIN)
asmallplasticdiscused torepresentaparticularamountofmoneyingambling:
(作赌注用的)筹码figurativeThehostagesare beingheldas abargainingchip byterroristorganizations.恐怖组织扣押了人质作为讨价还价的筹码。

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Gambling & bookmaking
- a/the bookmaker'sphrase
- ante
- anti-gambling
- bank
- bet
- blackjack
- casino
- co-favourite
- cockfight
- favourite
- gaming table
- poker machine
- punt
- raffle
- slot machine
- stakesomethingonsomething
- sweepstake
- toss up
- trifecta
- turf accountant
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Payment methods
akickinfootballor ahitingolf, in which theballgoes high into theairfor ashorttime:
(足球的)挑球;(高尔夫球的)轻击短打Hissplendidchip from the 18yardlinecaughtthegoalkeeperoff hisline.他从离球门18码处一脚漂亮的跳球,对方守门员没有站在球门线上,被打了个措手不及。
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
a chip off the old block
have a chip onyourshoulder
have hadyourchips
when the chips are down
uk/tʃɪp/us/tʃɪp/-pp-chipverb[I or T](BREAK)
tobreakasmallpieceoff something byaccident:
He's chipped abonein hiswrist.他腕关节有一块骨头裂了。
to break
- breakI didn't mean to break your phone.
- fractureLast year he fractured his skull.
- bustOne of the children has bust the computer.
- shatterThe ball hit the window and shattered it.
- smashI dropped the vase and it smashed.
- snapShe bent the ruler and it snapped.
Tearing and breaking into pieces
- apart
- asunder
- bobble
- bobbly
- break(something)off
- catch
- crack
- fall apart
- fall to piecesidiom
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragmented
- frayed
- rip
- splinter
- split
- sunder
- tearsomethingapart
- tearsomethingup
- teardown
chipverb[I or T](KICK/HIT)
tokickafootballorhitagolfballhigh into theairfor ashortdistance:
(足球)挑球;(高尔夫球)轻击短打Berbatovmanagedtosidestepatackleand chip thekeeper.贝尔巴托夫躲过铲球,挑球越过了守门员。
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Phrasal verbs
chip away atsomething
chip in