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blocknoun(AREA)A2[C]mainlyUSthedistancealong astreetfrom where oneroadcrossesit to theplacewhere the nextroadcrossesit, or onepartof astreetlike this,especiallyin atownorcity: 街区;街段 Themuseumis just six blocks away.博物馆离这儿只有6条街。 Myfriendand Iliveon thesame block.我和我的朋友住在同一个街区。  Abstract Aerial Art/DigitalVision/GettyImages A2[C]asquaregroupofbuildingsorhouseswithroadson eachside: 街区里的大楼 I took awalkaround the block.我围着大楼散步。 round/around the block on the nextstreetthatcrossesthisstreet: 在前面转过去的那条街上Helivesjust around the block.他就住在前面转过去的那条街上。 See more- Thequeueforticketssnakedall the way around the block.
- He went for/took awalkaround the block, to get someair.
- Shedrovethecarround the block tocharge(up)itsbatteries.
- Shelikestorollout thewelcomewagonfor everyone whomovesonto the block.
- He wasfoundslainin analleytwo blocks from hisapartment.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTowns & regions: areas in towns & cities - anti-development
- arrondissement
- backstreet
- backstreets
- borough
- botanic garden
- business park
- housing estate
- industrial estate
- marketplace
- on skid rowidiom
- outer ring
- plaza
- science park
- shantytown
- skid
- slummy
- subdivision
- suburban
- Wimbledon
See more results » blocknoun(PIECE)B2[C]asolid, straight-sidedpieceof hardmaterial: 一大块(直边的硬物) a block ofwood/ice一大块木头/冰  koya79/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages the block[S] (in the past) alargepieceofwoodon whichcriminalshadtheirheadcutoff: (罪犯被斩首时的)垫头木Anne Boleynwent to(= waskilledon)the block.安妮·博林上了断头台。 - a 200kiloblock ofconcrete
- Theycutenormousblocks ofstoneout of thehillside.
- The blocks ofstonehad to beliftedintopositionwith asystemofpulleys.
- When aglaciermeetsthesea,largeblocks oficemaybreakoff andfloataway asicebergs.
- Hollow blocks are used because they arelighter.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMasses and large amounts of things - accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- hulk
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: blocknoun(BUILDING)B1[C]alarge, usuallytallbuildingdividedintoseparatepartsfor use asofficesorhomesby several differentorganizationsorpeople: 大厦,大楼 anofficeblock写字楼 UKatowerblock塔楼 UKa blockofflats公寓大楼  Nirian/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuildings in general - -bedroomed
- beach hut
- building
- bunkhouse
- campanile
- four-square
- geodesic dome
- half-timbered
- heritage
- heritage-listed building
- new-build
- non-residential
- non-structural
- Norman
- observation tower
- residential
- structure
- tower
- turreted
- warren
See more results » blocknoun(GROUP)[C]agroupof thingsbought,dealtwith, orconsideredtogether: 一组;一批;一叠 a block oftickets/seats/shares一叠票/一个座位区/一大宗股票 Corporatehospitalityfirmsmake blockbookings(=buylargenumbersofseats)atbigsportingevents.负责安排活动招待客户的公司每逢有大型体育赛事就预订团体票。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGroups and collections of things - agglomeration
- Aladdin's cave
- anthology
- assemblage
- bank
- basket
- bob
- empty set
- ensemble
- family
- feast
- generation
- glory box
- package
- permutation
- pool
- selection
- sheaf
- sheaves
- starter pack
See more results » blocknoun(OBJECT BLOCKING)C2[Cusually singular]something that blocks atubeoropening: 堵塞物 A blockin(= anobjectblocking)thepipewaspreventingthewaterfrom coming through.管道中的东西堵住了水流。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClosing and blocking - barricade
- batten
- batten down the hatchesidiom
- be snowed upidiom
- blocksomethingoff
- bung
- choke
- closet
- congest
- cork
- dam
- damsomethingup
- fur
- sealsomethingin
- sealsomethingoff
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shut
- silt
- the darkest hour is just before the dawnidiom
See more results » blocknoun(IN SPORT)insport, theactofstoppinganopponentor theballfrommovingforwards: Thedefendermade alungingblock. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral terms used in ball sports - aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: American football Basketball, netball & volleyball Idiomsgo on the block have/putyourhead on the block B2topreventmovementthrough something: 堵塞;阻挡;阻碍 Afallentreeis blocking theroad.一棵倒下的树挡住了路。 As sheleftthecourt, anangrycrowdtriedto block her way.她离开法庭的时候,愤怒的人群试图阻挡她的去路。 C1to be between someone and the thing they arelookingat, so that they cannotsee: 挡住视线 Myviewwas blocked by atallman infrontof me.我的视线被前面的高个男子挡住了。 C2tostopsomething fromhappeningorsucceeding: 妨碍 She was verytalentedand Ifeltherparentswere blocking herprogress.她很有才华,我觉得她的父母妨碍了她的发展。 Agroupofpoliticiansblocked theproposal.一群政客使该提案流产了。 insport, tostopanopponentor theballfrommovingforwards: Nobody blocked him as heraninto theopenspace. Shejumpedup and blocked theshot. If abankblocks someone'saccount, they make itimpossiblefor thatpersontoremovemoneyfrom it: Federalagentsblocked theaccountsof five money-transferoperationsin thecity. tostopemails,textmessages,phonecalls, etc. from beingreceived: Thecarrierssaid they haverigorousfiltersto blockspam, and theyallowcustomersto blockmessagesfromcertainnumbers. Prosecutors say Wilsonallegedlymade thecallsfrom a blockedphonenumber. onsocialmedia, tostopaparticularpersonfrom beingabletocommunicatewith you orreadwhat you have written: Mymomfoundout that I blocked her onTwitterand gave me anotherserioustalk. In the Block Userssectionyou shouldseealistofpeopleyou've blocked. Someone you’ve blocked won’t beabletoaddyou to agroup. - Intheorythe Britishgovernmentcould useitsvetoto block thisproposal.
- Theroadisopennow, but it is often blocked bysnowin thewinter.
- Thedensefoliageoverheadalmostblocked out thesun.
- From thesmellit wasevidentthat thedrainshad been blocked for severaldays.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreventing and impeding - anti-jamming
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hamper
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- prejudice
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- scuttle
- smother
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Closing and blocking Between Staying and remaining General terms used in ball sports American football Basketball, netball & volleyball Banks Communications - general words Internet terminology Phrasal verbsblocksomething/someonein blocksomethingoff blocksomethingout blocksomethingup (Definition ofblockfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)blocknoun(AREA)A2[C]mainlyUSthedistancealong astreetfrom where oneroadcrossesit to theplacewhere the nextroadcrossesit, or onepartof astreetlike this,especiallyin atownorcity 街区;街段Themuseumis just six blocks away.博物馆离这儿只有6条街。 Myfriendand Iliveon thesame block.我和我的朋友住在同一个街区。 A2[C]asquaregroupofbuildingsorhouseswithroadson eachside 街区里的大楼I took awalkaround the block.我围着大楼散步。 round/around the block on the nextstreetthatcrossesthisstreet 在前面转过去的那条街上Helivesjust around the block.他就住在前面转过去的那条街上。 - Thequeueforticketssnakedall the way around the block.
- He went for/took awalkaround the block, to get someair.
- Shedrovethecarround the block tocharge(up)itsbatteries.
- Shelikestorollout thewelcomewagonfor everyone whomovesonto the block.
- He wasfoundslainin analleytwo blocks from hisapartment.
blocknoun(PIECE)B2[C]asolid, straight-sidedpieceof hardmaterial 一大块(直边的硬物)a block ofwood/ice一大块木头/冰 the block[S] (in the past) alargepieceofwoodon whichcriminalshadtheirheadcutoff (罪犯被斩首时的)垫头木Anne Boleynwent to(= waskilledon)the block.安妮·博林上了断头台。 - a 200kiloblock ofconcrete
- Theycutenormousblocks ofstoneout of thehillside.
- The blocks ofstonehad to beliftedintopositionwith asystemofpulleys.
- When aglaciermeetsthesea,largeblocks oficemaybreakoff andfloataway asicebergs.
- Hollow blocks are used because they arelighter.
blocknoun(BUILDING)B1[C]alarge, usuallytallbuildingdividedintoseparatepartsfor use asofficesorhomesby several differentorganizationsorpeople 大厦,大楼anofficeblock写字楼 UKatowerblock塔楼 UKa blockofflats公寓大楼 blocknoun(GROUP)[C]agroupof thingsbought,dealtwith, orconsideredtogether 一组;一批;一叠a block oftickets/seats/shares一叠票/一个座位区/一大宗股票 Corporatehospitalityfirmsmake blockbookings(=buylargenumbersofseats)atbigsportingevents.负责安排活动招待客户的公司每逢有大型体育赛事就预订团体票。 blocknoun(OBJECT BLOCKING)C2[Cusually singular]something that blocks atubeoropening 堵塞物A blockin(= anobjectblocking)thepipewaspreventingthewaterfrom coming through.管道中的东西堵住了水流。 Idiomsgo on the block have/putyourhead on the block B2topreventmovementthrough something 堵塞;阻挡;阻碍Afallentreeis blocking theroad.一棵倒下的树挡住了路。 As sheleftthecourt, anangrycrowdtriedto block her way.她离开法庭的时候,愤怒的人群试图阻挡她的去路。 C1to be between someone and the thing they arelookingat, so that they cannotsee 挡住视线Myviewwas blocked by atallman infrontof me.我的视线被前面的高个男子挡住了。 C2tostopsomething fromhappeningorsucceeding 妨碍She was verytalentedand Ifeltherparentswere blocking herprogress.她很有才华,我觉得她的父母妨碍了她的发展。 Agroupofpoliticiansblocked theproposal.一群政客使该提案流产了。 - Intheorythe Britishgovernmentcould useitsvetoto block thisproposal.
- Theroadisopennow, but it is often blocked bysnowin thewinter.
- Thedensefoliageoverheadalmostblocked out thesun.
- From thesmellit wasevidentthat thedrainshad been blocked for severaldays.
Phrasal verbsblocksth/sbin blocksthoff blocksthout blocksthup block| American Dictionaryblocknoun[C](AREA OF A CITY)thebuildingsnext to each other betweencrossingstreets, or thedistancefrom onestreetto the next in acityortown: There’s a gooddelion this block. A block is also anareaenclosedby fourstreetsthatformarectanglein acityortown: The newbuildingwill take up anentirecityblock. blocknoun[C](LUMP)asolid, straight-sidedlumpof hardmaterial: Thewarehousestoresbuildingmaterial,includingcementblocks. A block is also a child’stoy, usually a set ofpiecesofwoodthat can bearrangedto makestructures,walls, etc. blocknoun[C](GROUP)agroupof thingsconsideredtogether, or anamountof something: a block oftickets/seats a block oftime blockverb[T](PREVENT)topreventmovementthrough or past something, or topreventsomething fromhappeningorsucceeding: Afallentreeblocked theroad. Alargeman infrontof me blocked myview. Earlscored28pointsand blocked fiveshots. Congressblocked USaidto thegovernmentbecause ofitssegregationandhumanrightspolicies. Phrasal verbsblock outsomething block outsomething (Definition ofblockfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)todecideofficiallytostopsomething fromhappeningorcontinuing: Thefederalgovernment'sfightto block abankruptcysettlementwasrejectedby theSupremeCourt. block a bid/deal/mergerThe Federal TradeCommissionsaid itplannedto block themerger. BANKINGif abankblocks someone'saccount, they make itimpossiblefor thatpersontoremovemoneyfrom it: Accounts of allsuspectedterroristshave been blocked. COMMUNICATIONStostopemails,textmessages,phonecalls, etc. from aparticularperson: The newphoneallowsusersto blockmessagesfromparticularsenders. STOCK MARKETalargenumberofsharesthat aresoldby oneorganizationat aparticulartime: Deutsche Bankplacedablock ofsix millionsharesat 781p. Thesharesweresoldon the Toronto Stock Exchange in ablocktrade. ECONOMICSanofficialdecisiontostopsomethinghappeningorcontinuing: a block on sthLobbyists arecallingfor a block onbonusestorailoperatorswhiletheirsafetyrecordis sopoor. put/remove a block on sthThegovernmenthas put a block on allarmssalesto thecountry. PROPERTYabuildingconsisting of severalapartments,offices, etc.: There are fourapartmentsineachblock. ablock ofofficebuildings on the blockUS Sheoffersa beginner'sguideto thenewestpensionson the block. A few morenewspapersmaygo on the blockbefore the end of theyear. lay your head/neck on the block toriskabadthinghappeningto you, forexamplegetting abadreputation, by doing something orhelpingsomeone: Agencyexecutiveswillingtolaytheirheadson the block in apureresults-drivenagreementwould be verybrave. (Definition ofblockfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofblockblock Another buildingblockfor such planning operations in the brain may be the type of short-term memory in which the prefrontal cortex is involved.From theCambridge English Corpus On the other hand, they sought to incorporate the philosophical definition of elements as the building blocks of the universe.From theCambridge English Corpus Computations for nonlinear force driven plasma blocks by picosecond laser pulses for fusion.From theCambridge English Corpus These blocks will be returned after extraction of small diameter cores of tissue for the production of tissue micro-arrays.From theCambridge English Corpus So far, so good; but a few hours later, when the assistant returns she notices that the sink is blocked.From theCambridge English Corpus 0, 1 or 2), he suggested replacing two blocks with nine plots by six blocks with three.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, an enormousblockon a branch defined by a right endpoint can be essentially replaced by large subblocks corresponding to left endpoints.From theCambridge English Corpus It is true that some can be recovered from the inter-blockanalysis, but not very much.From theCambridge English Corpus Moreover, cold temperatures are required to overcome the physiologicalblockpresent in the embryos of seeds when freshly ripe.From theCambridge English Corpus Subjects took between 13 and 15 blocks in this phase.From theCambridge English Corpus Lamberts (2000) didn't stop his subjects, and they took an average of 38 blocks to learn these categories.From theCambridge English Corpus The ar ticle proposes a bidirectional search algorithm for compositional synthesis of designs using a database of building blocks.From theCambridge English Corpus Considering only those building blocks that are useful in solving a given problem should also improve the efficiency of synthesis.From theCambridge English Corpus A synthesis procedure has two par ts: a database of building blocks and an algorithm that uses this database for synthesis.From theCambridge English Corpus One of the major stumbling blocks may be the availability of sufficient capital to fund the company's start up operations.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithblockblockThese are words often used in combination withblock. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. adjacent block In the model under consideration, the width of the fissure is much smaller than the dimension of the adjacent block. From theCambridge English Corpus atrioventricular block His atrioventricular conduction was intact until 9 years of age, after which time he developed progressive atrioventricular block. From theCambridge English Corpus basic block Many frame allocations are in the same (extended)basicblockas other non-frame allocations. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/block## |