(alsoanti-bolshevism)uk/ˌæn.tiˈbɒl.ʃə.vɪ.zəm/us/ˌæn.t̬iˈboʊl.ʃə.vɪ.zəm/opinionsandpoliciesthat areopposedto ordirectedagainstBolshevism(= thesocial,political, andeconomictheoryof thegroupledby Lenin that tookpowerin Russia in 1917):
Nationalism and anti-Bolshevism werekeyto theNazis'massappeal.
the anti-Bolshevism of theEuropeanestablishment
- Anti-bolshevismbeganin the interwarperiod, but wasrevitalizedduring the Cold War.
- It wasclaimedthat hisdeeplyfeltanti-Bolshevismdrovehim toformabondwith theNazis.
- The post-waryearssawaheighteningof anti-Jewishfeelingexpressedinxenophobia, anti-Bolshevism and anti-Zionism.
- At thetimethere wasstronganti-bolshevism in both the ForeignOfficeand theToryParty.
Political movements & groups
- alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- black bloc
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- leftist
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- Sinn Fein
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP