bearded dragon
(alsoBearded Dragon)uk/ˌbɪə.dɪd ˈdræɡ.ən/us/ˌbɪr.dɪd ˈdræɡ.ən/an Australianlizard(= atypeofreptile)that has alargepocketofskincoveredinspines(=sharpparts)onitsthroatthat canswellandchangecolourwhen thecreatureisthreatenedor about toattack:
(澳大利亚)鬃狮蜥Like otherspeciesof Bearded Dragon, thislizardrelies ontryingtoappearlargerandspikierthan it really is to anypotentialpredator.和其他种类的鬃狮蜥一样,这种蜥蜴也试图在潜在的天敌面前显得比实际更大更尖。

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- Thelizardsyou canseeincludeleopardgeckos,beardeddragonsandwaterdragons.
- The Bearded Dragonpreferslifeinbushesandtrees, and can be alsofoundbaskingonrocks.
- Thescientificnameof thebeardeddragonis Pogona vitticeps.
Reptile & amphibian names
- adder
- alligator
- amphibia
- amphibian
- anaconda
- cobra
- constrictor
- crocodile
- frog
- garter snake
- loggerhead
- mamba
- monitor lizard
- newt
- peeper
- slowworm
- snake
- spring peeper
- terrapin
- toad