todefeator dobetterthan:
打败,战胜Simon always beats meattennis.西蒙打网球总是赢我。
Holland beat Belgium (by) 3–1.荷兰队3比1战胜比利时队。
The Miami Heat beat the Pacers 95-90/byfivepoints.迈阿密热火队以95比90五分的优势击败了印第安纳步行者队。
Ourteamwascomfortably/easily/soundlybeaten in the first round of thecompetition.在第一轮比赛中我们队被对手轻松地/毫不费劲儿地/彻底打败了。
The Nationalists werenarrowlybeaten in theelection.国民党人在地方选举中以微弱劣势落败。
He beat mefairandsquare(= withoutcheating).他光明磊落地击败了我。
They were beatenhandsdown(=completely)bytheiropponents.他们被对手彻底打败了。
She has beaten her ownrecordof threeminutestenseconds.她打破了自己创造的3分10秒的纪录。
to beat someone in a race, competition, etc.
- beatUnited beat City 3 - 2.
- defeatCan Ireland defeat New Zealand in this high-stakes match?
- conquerThe Greeks had fought and conquered the army of Mardonius.
- vanquishThe superhero always vanquishes his foes and saves the world.
- annihilateModern superpowers succeed not by annihilating their enemies but by buying them off.
- hammerThe Colts got hammered by the Patriots.
to bebetteror moreenjoyablethan anotheractivityorexperience:
(非正式)比…好;比…更有乐趣[+ -ing verb]Taking thebussurebeatswalking.坐公共汽车当然比走路好。
slangTaking thebusbeatsthehellout of(= is muchbetterthan)walkingall the way there.坐公共汽车比一路走到那儿要好得多。
You can't beat(= there is nothing moreenjoyablethan)acoldbeeron ahotafternoon.在炎热的下午,没有什么比喝上一杯冰镇啤酒更爽的了。
To beat something that is going tohappenis to takeactionbefore the thinghappens:
对…采取预防措施;避免Let'stryto beat thetrafficbyleavingearly in themorning.我们争取早上早点出发以避免交通拥堵。
I always do myshoppingearly to beattherush.我总是很早就去购物以避开高峰时段。
beatsomeoneto it
to do something before someoneelsedoes it:
比…先下手,抢先于…做I was just going tocleanthekitchen, but you beat me to it.我刚准备打扫厨房,你已经抢先做完了。
- Paul beat me by threegamesto two .
- With this newproduct, we are wellsituatedto beatourcompetitors.
- They will be atoughteamto beat.
- The Liberal Democrats mayformapactwithLabourtotryto beat the Conservatives in the nextelection.
- She came within twosecondsof beating theworldrecord.
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- thrash
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Surpassing in quality or number
Acting and acts
B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
(接连地)打,击Theysawhim beating hisdogwith astick.他们看见他用棍子打他的狗。
Thechildhad beenbrutally/savagelybeaten.孩子遭到了毒打。
She was beatentodeath.她被活活打死了。
[+ obj + adj]He was beatensenseless.他被打昏了。
Beat thedrum.打起鼓来。
Therainwas beatingdownincessantlyonthetinroof.雨点不断地打在锡皮屋顶上。
to hit someone or something
- hitShe was expelled for hitting another pupil.
- whackShe whacked the water with her paddle.
- bashThe swinging door bashed him in the face.
- strikeShe had been struck on the head with a golf ball.
- beatHe was cruel to his dog and beat it with a stick.
- punchHe punched me in the stomach.
beat a path throughsomething
toformapathin anareawherelonggrassorbushesgrowcloselytogether, byhittingtheplantswithyourhandsor anobject, or bysteppingon them:
在…中踏出一条路;在…中开辟道路We beat apaththrough theundergrowth.我们在矮树丛中开辟出一条路来。
- Therainbeat against herfaceas shestruggledthrough thewind.
- They'vethreatenedto beat him to ajellyif he doesn'trepaythemoney.
- People wereshockedby theadvertisementwhichdepicteda woman beating herhusband.
- Hisbruiseslentcredenceto hisstatementthat he had been beaten.
- Ifeltsickwhen Iheardabout theprisonersbeing beaten.
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- tar
- wallop
- whop
- whup
tomixsomethingrepeatedlyusing autensilsuch as aspoonorwhisk:
(用如勺子或搅拌器等器具)搅打,搅拌To make anomeletteyou first beat theeggs.要做煎蛋饼,必须先把鸡蛋打匀。
Mixing and mixtures
- amalgam
- be neither one thing nor the otheridiom
- blend
- blend in/blend intosomething
- blender
- blitz
- crossed
- decoction
- emulsion
- guaraná
- homogeneous mixture
- meld
- methylate
- mingle
- mosaic
- mush
- saturated solution
- scramble
- substance
- synthesis
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cookery terms
to (causeto) make aregularmovementorsound:
Herheartstartedto beatfaster.她开始心跳加快。
beat time
to make aregularsoundormovementtomusic:
打拍子He beattimeon thetabletomarktherhythmof thepoem.
- Theydancedto the beat of thedrums.
- The beat of themusicwasstrangelyhypnotic.
- Thecarradiowaspumpingoutmusicwith aheavybeat.
- Everytimehelooksat me myheartskipsa beat.
- Waltzes have three beats in/to thebar.
Shaking, swinging and vibrating
- brandish
- flap
- flourish
- fluffsomethingup
- jitter
- joggle
- pulse
- shakiness
- shimmy
- stir
- stirsomethingup
- sway
- sweep
- teeter
- thrashing
- wag
- wobble
- wobbler
- wobbly
- worry atsomething
beatsomeoneattheirown game
beatsomeone'sbrains out
beat a path tosomeone'sdoor
beat a retreat
beat around the bush
beat a dead horse
beat it!
beat the rap
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
it beats me
take some beating
that beats everything
Phrasal verbs
beat down
beat off
beat outsomething
beatsomethingout ofsomeone
beat up onsomeone
adjective[after verb]
(极度)疲劳,疲惫I'm beat - I'm going tobed.我很累,要去睡觉了。
You've beenworkingtoo hard—youlookdeadbeat.
- After aweekendofpartying, I'mabsolutelybeat.
- She had been through ahellof a lot and shelookedbeat.
Tired and making tired
- all in
- anti-fatigue
- atyourworstidiom
- be dead onyourfeetidiom
- be fit/ready to dropidiom
- finishsomethingoff
- fit to dropidiom
- fragile
- gassed
- haggard
- knackered
- shattered
- shell-shocked
- sleep deprivation
- sleep-deprived
- sleepily
- sleepiness
- strung out
- wrecked
- zonked
aregularmovementorsound,especiallythat made byyourheart:
(尤指心脏)连续的跳动(声)I put myheadon hischestbut I couldfeelnoheartbeat.我把头贴近他的胸口,但感觉不到他的心跳。
Myheartskippeda beat(= Ifeltveryexcited)when she said, "Yes, I'llmarryyou."
- Theydancedto the beat of thedrums.
- The beat of themusicwasstrangelyhypnotic.
- Thecarradiowaspumpingoutmusicwith aheavybeat.
- Everytimehelooksat me myheartskipsa beat.
- Waltzes have three beats in/to thebar.
The circulatory system & blood
- accessory pathway
- antegrade
- anterograde
- anti-platelet
- blood donor
- blood vessel
- capillary
- erectile
- immunoglobulin
- intravascular
- intravenously
- jugular
- jugular vein
- Rh factor
- vasodilation
- veined
- vena
- venosus
inmusic, aregularemphasis, or aplacein themusicwhere such anemphasisisexpected:
(音乐的)节拍,拍子Theguitarcomes inonthe third beat.吉他在第3拍加入。
Makesureyouplayonthe beat.表演一定要跟上节拍。
Hetappedhisfootto the beat(=rhythm)of themusic.他的脚随着音乐的节拍,轻轻打着拍子。
Beats or lengths of musical notes
- backbeat
- bar
- bar line
- common time
- compound time
- eighth note
- four-four time
- half note
- measure
- minim
- octave
- phrase
- quaver
- rest
- semiquaver
- simple time
- sixteenth note
- three-four time
- three-quarter time
- whole note
[Cusually singular]
anareafor which someone, such as apoliceofficer, hasresponsibilityaspartoftheirjob:
(巡警的)巡逻区域;工作区域Bobhasworkedas anofficeronthisparticularbeat for 20years.鲍勃在这个区域已经当警官巡逻了20年。
be on/walk the beat
Apoliceofficerwho is on the beat orwalkingthe beat is onduty,walkingaroundratherthandrivingin apolicecar:
Mostpeoplewould like toseemorebobbieson the beat intheirarea.
The police generally
- anti-police
- anti-riot
- baton
- baton charge
- billy
- billy club
- booze bus
- escort
- Interpol
- kettle
- kettling
- lathi
- lathi-charge
- patrol car
- Scotland Yard
- secret police
- Special Branch
- station house
- SWAT team
- warrant
beatnoun(IN STORY)
animportantmoment,event, orsubjectin astory,film, etc.:
Themomentisgruesome, but it’s also animportantbeat in thestory.
- It's all about makingsenseof thestoryfrom beat to beat,figuringout if asceneaddsup.
- Theserieshasyettoprogressfromitspromisingdebut,reiteratingthe sameplotandcharacterbeats.
- Thesequencesare toldsideways; thestorybeats aren’t asobviousas they usually are, but they doconnectup with thelargerstory.
- Sometimes, when theycutthemovietogether, it doesn'twork. Because the beats ofcomedyare in thecutting.
- Thisweekin Washington, for many there is only onestory, only one beat: theallegationsagainst thepresident.
Cinema & theatre: parts of plays, shows & films
- act
- blooper reel
- byplay
- curtain call
- denouement
- dream sequence
- exeunt
- exit
- finale
- flashback
- fourth wall
- intermission
- MacGuffin
- plot hole
- scene
- set piece
- showstopper
- sketch
- stage direction
- wrap party
not miss/skip a beat