uk/bʊˈlɪm.ɪk/us/buːˈliːm.ɪk/sufferingfrombulimia(= amentalillnessin which someoneeatstoo much and thenintentionallyvomits), orrelatingto thisillness:
有贪食症的She said she was bulimic up to theageof 36.她说直到36岁她都一直有贪食症。
a bulimicpatternofovereatingfollowedbypurging吃得过多接着催泄的贪食症行为特征
- She was achampionswimmerbut she alsobecamebulimic.
- One of my son'sfriendstold me that mysonwas bulimic.
- Many bulimicadultswillrecover.
- Magazines areblamedfor everything fromsexualpromiscuityto bulimicbehaviour.
Mental illnesses
- ad
- adjustment disorder
- age-associated memory impairment
- anhedonia
- anorexia nervosa
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- bulimia
- hoarding
- Hyde
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriasis
- hysterical
- hysterically
- Jekyll and Hyde
- nervous breakdown
- senility
- somatization
- somatize
- Stockholm syndrome
- sundowning
uk/bʊˈlɪm.ɪk/us/buːˈliːm.ɪk/apersonwhosuffersfrombulimia(= amentalillnessin which someoneeatstoo much and thenintentionallyvomits):
- I was a bulimic atage16.
- A bulimic may havepuffycheeksbecause ofswollensalivaryglands.
- He was a bulimic whosavedhislifebyjoiningOvereaters Anonymous.
- Bulimia can be hard tocatchbecause many bulimics are anormalweight.
Mental illnesses
- ad
- adjustment disorder
- age-associated memory impairment
- anhedonia
- anorexia nervosa
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- bulimia
- hoarding
- Hyde
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriasis
- hysterical
- hysterically
- Jekyll and Hyde
- nervous breakdown
- senility
- somatization
- somatize
- Stockholm syndrome
- sundowning