uk/ˈsen.sər/us/ˈsen.sɚ/acontainerforincense(= asubstancethat isburnedtoproduceasweetsmell,especiallyaspartof areligiousceremony):
Apriestbeganwalkingthrough thecongregationswinginga censer.

Kattiyaearn/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thedrawingsshowchangingstylesofprehistoriccensers in the Mayanera.
- In thetemplecensersburned,fillingtheairwithfragranthaze.
- During theMass, thelitaniesandprayers, the censersswingingto andfroand thesmellofincensemade herfeellightheaded.
- Sheplaceda palmful ofincenseinto the censer andlitit.
- Thechestcontainedasilvercenser, anivoryandgoldcross, twosilvercandelabra, and twogospelbooksingoldandsilver.
Religious objects
- ankh
- Calvary
- chalice
- clerical collar
- crucifix
- crucifixion
- crèche
- dog collar
- fetish
- grail
- hymnal
- idol
- kirpan
- Madonna
- relic
- totem
- totemic
- voodoo
- votive candle
- wafer