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单词 keep down
释义 keep down
1.remain at a lower level 处于低水平
*Most of the food shops have promised to keep prices down until after the new year.大多数食品店答应新年之后才涨价。
2.not vomit;retain in the stomach 不呕吐;留在胃里
*Jane is sick again today;she hasn't been able to keep her food down.简今天又生病了,吃下的东西都吐了出来。
3.control 控制;抑制
*I could hardly keep my temper down when I saw the boys treating my dog badly.当我看见那些男孩待我的狗不好时,简直按捺不住愤怒。
*The children could not keep their voices down.孩子们不能控制他们的声音。
*You should try to keep down your anger.你应该尽量克制自己的脾气。
*The firemen kept the fire down with hoses.消防队员用水龙管压住了火势。
4.keep with limits;limit 限制
*She is managing to keep down her daily expenses so she could save more money.她设法紧缩日常开支,以便能积攒更多的钱。
*We should keep down the soaring prices.我们应控制物价的飞涨。
*We should take measures to keep down nonproductive expenses.我们应采取措施削减非生产性开支。
5.keep from progressing or growing;prevent from increasing 阻止…前进、生长、增多
*We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.我们锄花园里的地以免杂草丛生。
*He has found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields.他们找到了一种控制稻田杂草的新方法。
*Chemicals are used for keeping insects down.用化学药品灭虫。
6.oppress 镇压
*The police were ordered to keep down the riot.警察奉命镇压暴动。
*The government intends to keep down the revolutionaries.政府企图镇压革命者。
*The peasants were kept down initially but finally they staged an uprising.农民们起初被压服了,但最后还是举行了起义。




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