uk/kæsˈtriːz/us/kæsˈtriːz/thecapitalcityof Saint Lucia, in thenortheasternpartof thecountry:
Many of today’syoungadultsoptto make thearduousdailycommuteto wage-earningjobsin Castries.
Ferriesrunbetween Castries and Fort-de-France, Martinique.
- Wearrivedin Castries thefollowingmorning.
- Helivesin asmalltown20milesfrom Castries.
- Somechildren,particularlyin and around thecapitalcityof Castries, aregrowingup asmonolingualEnglishspeakers.
- She was referring to thevendorsoffreshproduceand othergoodsin the Castriesmarketplace.
- In 1942 theGermanU-161sailedinto Castriesharbouratnightandsanktwoalliedships.
Towns & regions: city names & their inhabitants
- Aberdeen
- Aberdonian
- Abidjan
- Abu Dhabi
- Abuja
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- Bozeman
- Brasília
- Bratislava
- Brazzaville
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- Dushanbe
- Edinburgh
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- Faisalabad
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- manchester
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