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单词 knock down
释义 knock down
1.knock to the floor or ground击倒;击败
*He knocked his opponent down.他击败了对手。
*With one blow he knocked his assailant down.他一拳就把袭击他的人打倒在地。
2.strike and cause to fall撞倒
*The girl was knocked down by a lorry as she ran across the road.这女孩在跑过马路时被卡车撞倒了。
*He was knocked down by a car and was rushed to the hospital.他被汽车撞倒后,随即被送进医院。
3.signify the sale of an article at auction by a blow of the hammer 拍卖时击槌以示卖出
*The picture was knocked down to me for $ 20 at an auction.这幅画在拍卖中以20美元卖给了我。
*The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York.拍卖人把那张写字台卖给约克的一个家俱商。
*A mahogany table was knocked down for five pounds.一张桃花心木桌以5英镑的价钱卖出去了。
4.compel sb. to lower the price of 迫使减价;压价
*He asked $500 for his car, but I managed to knock him down by 10percent.他出价 500美元卖他的车子,但我竭力使他减价10%。
*The price was knocked down to £5.价格降低到了5镑。
*The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.店主决定将剩余的冬季存货减价出售。
5.take apart in handling or transportation拆散;拆零(以便装运)
*London Bridge was knocked down stone by stone and rebuilt in the middle of a desert in the United States.伦敦大桥被一块石头一块石头地拆除了,重新安装在美国的一片沙漠中心。
*We knocked down the bookcase and packed them in the car.我们将书橱拆散装进汽车。
6.tear down; demolish拆毁;拆除
*These old houses will be knocked down to make room for a stadium.这些旧房子将被拆除,以腾出地方来造一座体育馆。
*We are going to knock down those old buildings.我们不久就要拆除那些旧建筑物。
7.embezzle money from one's employer盗用雇主之钱
*He knocked down plenty of the cash without being caught.他盗用了不少现金,未被发觉。
8.receive,as a salary or a scholastic grade; earn挣得(薪金);获得(分数)
*He knocks down about $12,000 a year.他一年大约赚1万2千美元。 upon要求
*The chairman knocked her down for a song.主席要求她唱一支歌。
10.cause(a sailing vessel) to heel,as by a gust of wind,to such a degree that it cannot right itself (风)使船倾斜
*Lower the sail or the boat will be knocked down.把帆放下来,否则船会被风吹翻的。




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