aformalarrangementtomeetorvisitsomeone at aparticulartimeandplace:
约会;预约;约定I'd like tomakean appointmentwithDr Evans,please.劳驾,我要预约埃文斯大夫的门诊。
She had tocancelherdentalappointment.她不得不取消去看牙医的预约。
[+ to infinitive]I've got an appointmenttoseeMs Edwards at two o'clock.我约好两点钟跟爱德华兹女士见面。
I've got a two o'clock appointmentwithMs Edwards.我约好两点钟跟爱德华兹女士见面。
If he didn't have asecretarytoremindhim, he wouldn'tkeep(=rememberto bepresentat)any of his appointments.如果没有秘书提醒,他会把所有的约会通通忘掉。
That's the second appointment he'smissed.这是他第二次失约。
an appointment
- appointmentI made a dentist's appointment for Monday morning.
- reservationI have a reservation for 8 pm.
- bookingUKI have a booking in the name of Smith.
- commitmentI have no commitments tomorrow, so let’s meet up in the morning.
by appointment
at apreviouslyarrangedtime:
按约定;按事先预定的时间Houseforsale, twobedrooms. Viewing by appointment only.两居室出售,看房请务必预约。
- I have a four o'clock appointment at the hairdresser's.
- I'm apatientof Dr Stephens,pleasecould I make an appointment toseeher?
- Would a ten o'clock appointment be moreconvenientfor you?
- Themanagerhas nofreeappointments thisweek, I'mafraid.
- Pleasecancelmy appointments fortomorrowafternoon- I have to go to afuneral.
Meeting people
- ayup
- bump
- bump intosomeone
- crosssomeone'spath/cross paths withsomeoneidiom
- deal
- deal withsomeone
- farewell
- it's a dateidiom
- makeyourselfknownidiom
- meeting
- open house
- payyourrespectsidiom
- reconvene
- recross
- red carpet
- remember
- remembersomeonetosomeone
- rendezvous
- respect
- town meeting
theactofofficiallychoosingsomeone for ajob, or thejobitself:
任命,委派his appointmentasseniorlecturer聘任他为高级讲师
We would like toannouncetheappointmentofJulia Lewisasheadofsales.我们很高兴地宣布朱莉娅•刘易斯被任命为销售部主任。
Ourdepartmentexpectstomakefive new appointments(=appointfive newpeople)thisyearalone.我们部预计今年一年就会聘任5位新职员。
situationold use
a job
- jobShe got a job as a lab assistant.
- occupationPlease fill in your name, age, and occupation.
- postThere's a post for a lecturer open in my department.
- positionShe's applied for a part-time editing position.
- appointmentThere are going to be several new appointments in the department this year.
- careerShe's had a very successful career in marketing.
by appointment
in the UK, used bybusinessesto show thattheirgoodsandservicesaresoldto amemberof theroyalfamily:
经女王御准(英国商家用来表示其商品或服务可提供给王室,因而质量很好)Carter'sLtd,confectionersby appointmenttothe Queen卡特有限公司,女王御准糖果商
- He waseventuallyprevailedupon toacceptthe appointment.
- The appointment of afemaledirectoris aquantumleapfor women'sequality.
- The new appointment has beenwidelywelcomed.
Applying for a job
- acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- get in
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- nomination
- referee
- relocation expenses
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- testimonial