languagespecializeduk/əˈpɒz.ə.tɪəˈpɑː.zə.t̬ɪ anappositiveway(= having twonounsornounphrasesthat refer to the samepersonor thing):
When atitleis used appositively itrequirescommas: "Thefinalbookof theseries, How To Fly, isrelativelyshort."
- Sometimes thesubjectof asentenceconsists of two words orphrasesthat are appositivelyconnected.
- Presentparticiplescan be used appositively, as in thesentence"She was in thegarden,wateringtheflowers".
Linguistics: grammatical terms
- ablative
- apposition
- appositive
- attributively
- concord
- countable
- dangling participle
- demonstrative
- feminine
- intensifier
- nominative
- particle
- premodifier
- regularity
- singular
- stative
- syntactic
- syntactically
- syntax
- uncountable