uk/əˈpruː.vər/us/əˈpruː.vɚ/apersonor anorganizationthatdecideswhether something should beofficiallyaccepted,allowed, oragreedto:
批准方,批准人Hisfatherwas aninsuranceclaimapprover.他父亲使一名保险赔偿申请批准人。
Drug approverstendnot towanttohearbadthings aboutproductsthey have alreadyleton themarket.药物批准人是不会想要听到他们已经批准上市的药物有什么不好的地方。
- The PennsylvaniaStateNursesAssociationisaccreditedas an approver ofcontinuingeducationinnursing.
- An "approved"recordisaddedto theheader, along with theinitialsof the approver and thedate.
- To beabletoassessandverifythecurrentstatusof thesoftwarewhich isapproved, the approver must beawareof which SSRs willapplyto thepackage.
- We shouldaltertheincentiveso thatpatentapprovers are notpaidperapprovedpatent.
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- sanction
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- signer
- unanimous