monk seal
uk/ˈmʌŋk ˌsiːl/us/ˈmʌŋk ˌsiːl/atypeofseal(= alargemammalthateatsfishandlivespartlyin theseaandpartlyonland)thatlivesinwarmareasin thenorthernpartof theworld:
僧海豹There are about 1,200monksealsworldwide, with most of themlivingin the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.全世界约有1200只僧海豹,其中大部分生活在夏威夷群岛西北部。
- What'shappeningat thisbeachis anexampleof thechallengesofkeepingendangeredHawaiianmonksealsandpeopleapart.
- Currently, amonksealpuphas less than a 20percentchanceofreachingreproductiveage.
- The lastconfirmedsightingof aCaribbeanmonksealwas in 1952.
- Themonksealis the only phocidsealthatinhabitstropicalareas.
Marine mammals
- beluga
- cetacean
- dolphin
- dugong
- elephant seal
- fur seal
- grey seal
- harp seal
- humpback whale
- killer whale
- megalodon
- minke whale
- narwhal
- orca
- porpoise
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sperm whale
- walrus
- whale