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cooperativeadjective(HELPFUL)B2willingtohelpor do whatpeopleask: 乐于合作的;协作的;配合的 Iaskedthem toturndowntheirmusic, but they're not being very cooperative.我叫他们不要把音乐声放得这么大,可是他们不肯合作。 He was anextremelyco-operativewitness. - Localofficialshave been very cooperative onworkingtogether for asolution.
- Interestgroupshave beenunusuallycooperative sofar.
- He wentvoluntarilyand was very co-operative.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKind & thoughtful - accommodating
- attentive
- attentively
- attentiveness
- avuncular
- diplomatically
- eunoia
- fatherly
- good-hearted
- good-natured
- nice
- nicely
- not have a bad/dishonest/racist, etc. bone in your bodyidiom
- obliging
- obligingly
- unmalicious
- unmaliciously
- warm-hearted
- well intentioned
- well meaning
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: cooperativeadjective(DONE WITH OTHERS)done orownedtogether with otherpeople: Purchase of theranchwas a cooperativeeffortbetween manygroupsandagencies. Theworkis theresultof a co-operativeventureofapproximately80physicistsfrom around theworld. The cooperativebusinessbringstogether 500wineproducersin theregion. (of ahouse, abuilding, etc.)ownedby acooperative(= anorganizationthatownsandmanageshousesthatitsmemberslivein): We need more co-operativehousing. a cooperativeapartment involvingagroupofpeopleplayingagametogether totrytoachievethe same thing,ratherthantryingtobeateach other: Theselevelscan beplayedsoloor with afriendin cooperativeplay. - We will onlysucceedindealingwith theproblemsthrough avastinternationalco-operativeeffort.
- Hefoundedalargecooperativefarmtoprovidejobsandhousingforadultswithdisabilities.
- Theactivitiesaredesignedfor cooperativelearningwith at least onepartner.
- Thebestway tomanagetheresourceis through a cooperativeagreementbetween thelandownerandfishermen.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesActing, being or existing together - accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- formation
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- pairwork
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- united
- unity
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Sharing Organizations, Societies & clubs Competitors & participants in sports & games anorganization,business,shop,farm, orgroupoffarmsthat isownedandmanagedby agroupofpeoplewho alsoworkin it: Themagazineisrunas a cooperative.这份杂志由一家合作企业出版。 We are a 100% worker-owned co-operativeselling100% Fair Tradecertifiedcoffee,tea,chocolate, andsnacks. anorganizationthatownsandmanageshousesthatitsmemberslivein, or thegroupofhousesthat itowns: Like manyapartmentbuildingsin New York City, thebuildingisrunby a cooperative. Theylivein ahousingco-operative forseniorcitizens. mainlyUSahouseorflatthat isownedby acooperative(= anorganizationthatownsandmanageshousesthatitsmemberslivein): Manyapartmentson the UpperEastSide were beingturnedinto cooperatives. - There areparticulartaxlawspertaining toagriculturalcooperatives.
- These ethanol-producingplantsare farmer-owned cooperatives that makeethanolfromcorn.
- Theartists' co-operative hasitsowngalleryshowingitsmemberswork.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEnterprises - acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- GmbH
- multinational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
- private company
- secretariat
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Organizations, Societies & clubs Houses & homes (Definition ofcooperativefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)B2willingtohelpor do whatpeopleask 乐于合作的;协作的;配合的Iaskedthem toturndowntheirmusic, but they're not being very cooperative.我叫他们不要把音乐声放得这么大,可是他们不肯合作。 acompanythat isownedandmanagedby thepeoplewhoworkin it 合作企业Themagazineisrunas a cooperative.这份杂志由一家合作企业出版。 cooperative| American Dictionaryacompanyownedandmanagedby thepeoplewhoworkin it: A cooperative is also anapartmentbuildingin whichownershipissharedby all thepeoplelivingin it. [not gradable]formedandmanagedby thepeoplewhoworkin it, or made up of severalsimilarcompaniesororganizationsworkingtogether: farmcooperativeorganizations a cooperativedaycarecenter showingawillingnesstoactorworktogether for asharedpurpose: It was a cooperativeeffort. (Definition ofcooperativefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)cooperative| Business Englishanorganizationorcompanythat isownedandcontrolledby agroupofmemberswho each have asharein it, forexampleitsemployeesorcustomers: See alsoagricultural cooperative consumer cooperative credit co-operative housing co-operative industrial co-operative marketing cooperative retail cooperative savings and credit co-operative wholesale cooperative a cooperativeorganizationorcompanyisownedandcontrolledby agroupofmemberswho each have asharein it, forexampleitsemployeesorcustomers: cooperativebusinesses/ventures (Definition ofcooperativefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcooperativecooperative Thus, a first step requires organizational and technical support to scavenging activity through the formation ofcooperativesocieties or micro-enterprises.From theCambridge English Corpus And at the more abstract level of utility, assume that the symbolic utility of beingcooperativeis +3.From theCambridge English Corpus As the cooperatives favoured vertical groupings, their presence made it easier to carry out this task.From theCambridge English Corpus This is important forcooperativerobotics, swarm robotics or any time two sonar equipped mobile robots need to pass near each other.From theCambridge English Corpus The project arose out of a community led approach with all members of a housingcooperativecontributing to the design process.From theCambridge English Corpus Recently, however, researchers have noted a new idealization of thecooperative, emotionally expressive discourse styles popularly (if not always accurately) associated with women.From theCambridge English Corpus But do they feel a 'sense of community' expressed in a 'cooperativeidentity'?From theCambridge English Corpus If there were some doubts at the outset, however, they seem to have evaporated once farmers appreciated the advantages ofcooperativearrangements.From theCambridge English Corpus From the early 1890s onwards, however, there was an explosive growth which resulted in credit cooperatives being much more evenly spread throughout the state.From theCambridge English Corpus Staphylococcal alpha-toxin: formation of the heptameric pore is partiallycooperativeand proceeds through multiple intermediate stages.From theCambridge English Corpus The behavioral descriptors included a child who was:cooperative, a leader, shy, disruptive, and a fighter.From theCambridge English Corpus It is now changing itself into a producers'cooperative.From theCambridge English Corpus Awareness of cultural variation and bias andcooperativeefforts to develop and administer culturally appropriate assessment tools are the foundation of effective, valid treatment programmes.From theCambridge English Corpus The initiating agent should be able to handle delayed messages robustly during acooperativesearch.From theCambridge English Corpus He had normallycooperativecharacter and was kind to others.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/cooperative## |