phrasal verbwithputverbuk/pʊt/us/pʊt/present participleputting|past tense and past participleput
tostateanideaoropinion, or tosuggestaplanorperson, for otherpeopletoconsider:
Theproposalsthat you have putforwarddeserveseriousconsideration.
I wasn'tconvincedby any of theargumentsthat he putforward.
Manysuggestionshave been putforward, but adecisionisunlikelyuntil after next year'sgeneralelection.
ThepeaceplanputforwardlastAugusthas beenrevivedfor thelatestround ofnegotiations.
She hasdecidedto put hername/put herselfforwardasacandidate.
- Anumberoftheorieshave been putforwardabout thepossiblecausesofcancer.
- Hedecidedto put himselfforwardforpromotion.
Suggestions & proposals
- about
- bouncesomethingoffsomeone
- can't
- co-sponsor
- co-sponsorship
- drop
- imply
- intimate
- make noisesidiom
- maybe
- move
- nomination
- on the tableidiom
- proposition
- putsomeonetosomethingidiom
- putsomethingup
- resubmission
- resubmit
- table
- thought