uk/ˈkʌv.ər/us/ˈkʌv.ɚ/coververb(PLACE OVER)
to put orspreadsomething over something, or tolieon thesurfaceof something:
盖上;覆盖;遮盖;遮蔽Thelightwas sobrightthat I had to cover myeyes.灯光太亮,我只好遮住眼睛。
Snow covered thehillsides.白雪覆盖了山坡。
She covered him(up)withablanket.她给他盖上了毯子。
Cover themeatwithalayerofcheese.在肉上铺一层奶酪。
Thebandageswere coveredwith/inblood.鲜血浸透了绷带。
How much of the earth'ssurfaceis coveredby/withwater?地球表面有多大面积被水覆盖?
to put something over someone or something
- coverI covered her with a blanket to keep her warm.
- spreadI spread peanut butter on my bread.
- smother something in/with somethingThe chicken was absolutely smothered in butter sauce.
- coatCoat the cherries in chocolate.
- plasterHis laptop cover was completely plastered with stickers.
- cakeHis shoes were caked in mud.
to lie on the surface of someone or something
- coverSnow covered the ground.
- overlayClicking this button will overlay your map with satellite images of the terrain.
- blanketThe fields were blanketed with early-morning mist.
- enshroudThe mountaintops were enshrouded in a thick veil of cloud.
- buryThe shed was completely buried by rubble.
- be carpeted with somethingThe aisle was carpeted with rose petals.
- Can't you just cover the mark with adabofpaint?
- Tropicalrainforestsused to cover 10% of the earth'ssurface.
- She waswearingaratherdaringskirtthat only just covered herbottom.
- She covered everywallin herbedroomwithpostersof herfavouritepopstar.
- The newchairswere covered inprotectiveplasticwrappings.
Covering and adding layers
- additive
- asphalt
- bestrew
- bind
- blanket
- blindfold
- gilt
- gum
- gumsomethingup
- inlaid
- lag
- laminate
- layer
- retile
- retread
- seasoned
- slapsomethingon
- smothersomethingin/withsomething
- tent
- wax
coververb(DEAL WITH)
todealwith ordirectattentionto something:
处理;涉及;包括;针对Thisleafletcovers what we've justdiscussedin moredetail.这本小册子有我们刚才讨论问题的更多细节。
Do theseparkingrestrictionscoverresidentsas well asvisitors?这些停车限制对住户和访客同样适用吗?
The salesman'sterritorycovers thewholeof thesoutheast.这名销售员的业务覆盖整个东南部。
to be about something
- be aboutWhat is the story about?
- have (got) to do withWhat's that got to do with it?
- relate toThat relates to what I was saying earlier about the need for reform.
- concernThe film concerns the complicated nature of marriage.
- coverWe will cover the passive voice later in the course.
- deal withWe will deal with the use of antidepressants in chapter three.
- Themagazinecovers abroadrangeofsubjects, fromsewingtopsychology.
- Theexistinglawscoveringlibelin thiscountryarethoughtby many to beinadequate.
- The Official SecretsActcovers everything fromnuclearweaponstoarmyboots.
- Is there acoursethat coversItaliansculpturefrom the 14th to the 17thcentury?
- I'd like toknowhow tocleanit, but theinstructionbookletdoesn'tseemto cover thatkindof thing.
Regarding and concerning
- about
- apropos
- around
- as toidiom
- be/have something to do withsomethingidiom
- connection
- department
- hereof
- in respect ofsomethingidiom
- in the brain/looks departmentidiom
- into
- range
- re
- respect
- say
- something
- thereof
- towards
- vis-à-vis
- wise
toreportthenewsabout aparticularimportantevent:
报道She's covering the Americanelectionfor BBCtelevision.她在为英国广播公司的电视台报道美国大选。
- Thestorywasn't covered on thenationalnews.
- He was in Greece covering theOlympics.
- He wassentto Russia to cover theelectionsthere.
News reporting & the press
- ambulance chaser
- breaking news
- bury the ledeidiom
- citizen journalism
- correspondent
- dispatch
- hot off the pressidiom
- investigative journalism
- investigative journalist
- journalism
- journalist
- journalistic
- pap
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- press baron
- press conference
- scoop
- the Associated Press
- the Press Association
toprotectsomeone againstloss,damage,accident, or having somethingstolen, by havinginsurance:
给…保险,承保Doesyourtravelinsurancecover youagainst/forthelossortheftofcash?你的旅行保险能为你的现金丢失或失窃提供保险补偿吗?
cover yourself
to do something toprotectyourself fromblameorcriticismin thefuture:
采取措施保护自己(不在未来因此受到责怪或批评)Ikeptcopiesof myexpensereceipts, just to cover myself.我把花费的票据都复印保留了一份,免得让人挑出毛病。
Makesureyou takenotesof themeeting, just to cover yourself.
Heclaimedto befollowingup oninformationfrom aninformantto cover himself whileillegallyaccessingconfidentialinformation.
Webelievethat someemployeesdoctoredtheirschedulesto cover themselves.
She covered herself by makingsureshe always had someoneelsepresentin theroomwhen shetalkedto thedefendant.
- Doesourinsurancecover us foraccidentaldamage?
- If youcrashedthecar, you wouldn't be covered on myinsurance.
- Thepolicydoesn't cover anything takenoutsidethehome.
- Theirmedicalinsurancedoesn't covercosmeticsurgery.
- actuarial
- actuary
- assessor
- claim
- comprehensive
- copay
- coverage
- guarantee
- indemnity
- loss adjuster
- mature
- non-contributory
- non-network
- noncoverage
- Obamacare
- policyholder
- protect
- third-party insurance
- underwrite
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Defending and protecting
行,走过(一段路程)We covered 400 km in threehours.3个小时我们赶了400公里。
- around Robin Hood's barnidiom
- backpack
- bag drop
- bourne
- bum
- bum around
- communication
- commuting
- connection
- gad about/around(somewhere)
- hitchhike
- move
- negotiate
- public transport
- shuttle
- swan
- taken
- tootle
- visa
- well travelled
coververb(BE ENOUGH)
to be enoughmoneytopayfor something:
足够支付Thesellingpricebarelycovered thecostof therawmaterials.销售价刚刚够抵付原材料费。
Would £50 coveryourexpenses?50英镑够你花吗?
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- fill
- go
- go round
- good
- hold
- hold out
- respectable
- respectably
- say
- say whenidiom
- suffice
- suffice (it) to sayidiom
- sufficient
- sufficiently
- that
- that will doidiom
- the
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Paying money
toaimagunorshootat someone totrytostopthem fromshootingorescaping, or toprotectsomeoneelse:
以枪瞄准(以防射击或逃跑);(用枪炮)掩护Thepoliceofficerwas covered by hercolleagueswhile sherantowards the gunman'shideout.警察在她同伴的掩护下奔向持枪歹徒藏身之处。
Whensoldiersorpoliceofficerscover aplacesuch as aroadorbuilding, they are in apositionfrom which they canwatchanddefendit:
守住;封锁(道路、建筑物等)All theexitsare covered, so they can'tescape.所有出口都被封锁了,所以他们插翅难逃。
- automatic
- blaster
- cannon
- cannonade
- cannonball
- cock
- go off
- gunnery
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- plug
- pot
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Defending and protecting
topreventamemberof theopposingteamfrom takingcontrolof theballbystayingcloseto them all thetime
(球类团体比赛中)盯防General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
coververb(DO SOMEONE'S JOB)
to do someone else'sjobordutywhen they areabsent:
代替,顶替(某人的工作或职责)I'm going to the doctor'stomorrow, so do youthinkyou could cover myshiftforme?明天我要去看医生,你能顶我的班吗?
Sorry, I'm already coveringforsomeoneelse.抱歉,我已经在帮别人顶班了。
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
to make arecordingof asongortunethat has already beenrecordedby someoneelse:
转录(歌曲等);翻唱Ithinkmoresingershave covered "Yesterday" than any othersong.我想翻唱《昨日》的歌手人数超过其他任何一首歌的翻唱人数。
Recording sounds and images
- analogue
- audiovisual
- AV
- cut
- deepfake
- digitally
- distort
- distortion
- erase
- fade
- misrecord
- mix
- playsomethingback
- production
- re-record
- record
- resynthesis
- resynthesize
- sampler
- sound effect
cover all the bases
Phrasal verb
uk/ˈkʌv.ər/us/ˈkʌv.ɚ/covernoun(SOMETHING PLACED OVER)
something that is put on or over somethingelse, usually toprotectit, tokeepsomething in, etc.:
盖子;罩子;遮盖物;覆盖物Ikeepmycomputerprinterunder aprotectiveplasticcover.我用塑料保护罩盖住电脑打印机。
Remove thepackagingandpiercetheplasticcover before microwaving.去掉包装,扎破保护膜,然后用微波炉加热。
thestiffoutsidepartof abookormagazine, usually made ofthickpaperorcardboard:
(书或杂志的)封面,封底Who should we put on the cover of themagazinethismonth?本月我们杂志的封面人物该上谁呢?
readsomethingfrom cover to cover
toreadabook,magazine, etc. all the way through from thebeginningto the end:
把…从头读到尾OnSundays, Istayinbedallmorningandreadthepaperfrom cover to cover.
[C]Indian English
信封sendsomethingunder plain coverUKformal
tosendsomething in aplainenvelope:
These are thetypeofbooksthat aregenerallysentunderplaincover.
sendsomethingunder separate coverformal
tosendsomething in aseparateenvelope:
I'llsendmy CV along underseparatecover.
theblankets,sheets, etc. on abed:
床罩;床毯;床单Marthathrewback the covers andbouncedout ofbed.玛莎掀掉毯子,跳下床来。
- Thebookhas adiagonalblackstripeon the cover.
- I'll use thismaterialto make some newchaircovers.
- She levered up thedraincover andlookedinside.
- She puts aplasticcover was over herkeyboardtokeepthedustoff.
- Do you have aprotectivecover over themattress?
Coverings and layers
- a blanket ofsomethingidiom
- beeswax wrap
- blanket
- brazen
- casing
- diaphragm
- interstratification
- interstratify
- lagging
- layer
- layered
- seam
- sheath
- strata
- stratum
- substratum
- superstratum
- tar paper
- varnish
- vein
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Books & parts of books
shelterorprotectionin anunpleasantordangeroussituation:
掩蔽处;遮蔽处;保护Wetookcover from thestormin abusshelter.我们在公交车站躲避暴风雨。
Theburglarbrokeinto thehouseundercover ofdarkness.窃贼在夜幕掩护下闯进那所房子。
plants,especiallybushes, that are used asshelterbyanimals
protectionby someone who has agun:
(被持枪的人)掩护;保护Weneededmore coverfromtheenemyaircraft.我们需要更多掩护以躲避敌人的空袭。
financialprotectionso that you getmoneyif somethingbadhappens:
保险(范围)I've got £20,000worthof coverforthecontentsof myhouse.我为家里的东西投了价值2万英镑的保险。
Do you have coverforaccidentaldamage?你保了意外损伤险了吗?
Defending and protecting
- anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bandobast
- bastion
- buffer
- defence
- defend
- defensive
- harbour
- harm
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- sheltered
- shield
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watchyourbackidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Safe & enclosed spaces
Protection and protectors
[C](alsocover version)
aperformanceorrecordingof asongortunethat has already beenrecordedby someoneelse:
转录(歌曲等);翻唱How many coverversionshave been made of "My Way"?《我的路》有多少个翻唱版本?
Copying and copies
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-piracy
- ape
- biomimicry
- blueprint
- bootleg
- derivative
- facsimile
- imaging
- imitate
- imitation
- imitative
- imitator
- mail merge
- pirate
- pirated
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- recopy
- reproduce
incricket, thepositionof afielder(= aplayerwhotriestostopthe otherteamfromscoringbystoppingorcatchingtheball)which is infrontof thebatter(= theplayerhittingtheball)on therightside:
Theballwas athleticallyfieldedat cover.
He wascaughtat cover from amistimeddrive.
incricket, thelargeareaof thefieldwhich is infrontof thebatter(= aplayerwhotriestohittheball)on theright-handside:
He usuallyfieldsin the covers.
- 12th man
- ash
- bailsphrase
- ball-tampering
- batting average
- bowlsomeoneout
- bowling
- cricketing
- cut
- declaration
- declare
- deep
- delivery
- glance
- leg before wicketidiom
- pace bowler
- six
- snick
- spin bowlerphrase
- test match