mobile phone
mainlyUKuk/ˌməʊ.baɪl ˈfəʊn/us/ˌmoʊ.bəl ˈfoʊn/(USusuallycell phone)A1
aphonethat isconnectedto thephonesystembyradioinsteadof by awire, and can be usedanywhereitssignalscan bereceived
scanrail/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Acompanycarand amobilephoneare some of theperksthat come with thejob.
- Just then, hismobilephonerang.
- Hislatesttoyis amobilephone.
- Theyinvestedheavilyin 3Gmobilephonenetworks.
Communications - telephone equipment
- answering machine
- blower
- brick
- burner
- call box
- caller ID
- cell phone
- device
- dumbphone
- extension
- phablet
- powerbank
- sim
- SIM card
- smartphone
- speakerphone
- switchboard
- telephone
- telephone booth
- telephone exchange