the use of twocomputerprocessors(= thepartsof acomputerthatperformoperations)workingtogether:
It wasdesignedto be amediaco-processingsystemin a PC.
- While some of these co-processingenginesare nowexpensive, thesecostsaredecreasing.
- Secure co-processing isdeliveredwith Crypto Express3.
- Newercentralprocessingunitshave coprocessingcapabilitiesbuiltinto thecoreprocessor.
Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- optically
- palmtop
- parallel port
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- phablet
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
the use ofwastematerialstogether with newmaterialsin anindustrialprocess,especiallytoproduceenergy:
Integratedmanagementofwastecan beappliedthroughreductionat thesource,separation, re-use,recyclingand co-processing ofwastes.
- Co-processingachievesasuperiorenvironmentalperformanceascomparedtolandfillandincineration.
- Co-processing of thiswasteforenergyrecoveryand as analternativerawmaterialcan be aneffectivemanagementmethodologyfor thiswastestream.
- Coprocessinginvolvesthesimultaneousprocessingoffossilandrenewablefeedstocks.
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- food security
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- populate
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tree hugger
- ultra-efficient
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Preserving and saving