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countverb(NUMBER)B1[IorT]to saynumbersone after the other inorder, or tocalculatethenumberofpeopleor things in agroup: (按顺序)数,数数;计算;计数 Let's countoutloud(=speakthe words)from one to ten.我们来大声地从1数到10。 Theteacherscounted thestudentsas they got on to thebus.学生们上车时老师点了一下人数。 Countyourmoneycarefullyto makesureit's all there.好好数数你的钱,看看是不是都在。 [+ question word]We need to countwho's here, so we can makesurethat no one'smissing.我们要点一下谁在这儿,以确定无人缺席。 There'll be eight fordinner, counting(=including)ourselves.算上我们自己,共有8人就餐。 We're stillwaitingfor thevotesto be counted (up).我们仍在等待统计选票。 count heads to count thenumberofpeoplepresentsomewhere: 点人数Therelookto be about 50peoplehere - I haven't countedheadsyet.看起来大概有50人在场——我还没有清点人数。 See more- Sheadmitted/concededdefeatwell before all thevoteshad been counted.
- Hebegancountingbackwards: "Ten, nine, eight ..."
- I counted eightcarsparkedintheirdrivethismorning!
- I'm going to count how manycustomerscome into theshopbetween seven and eight o'clock.
- You count to a hundred and we'll go andhide.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNumbering & counting - absolute value
- binary
- cash
- countsomethingout
- countdown
- counter
- decimal point
- decimalization
- dendrochronology
- headcount
- numeracy
- numerate
- octal
- reckonsomethingin
- recount
- renumber
- run
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- run tosomething
- the Fundamental Counting Principle
See more results » countverb(HAVE VALUE)B2[I]to havevalueorimportance: 有价值;很重要;要紧 I've alwaysbelievedthathappinesscounts more thanmoney.我一直认为幸福比金钱更重要。 Myopiniondoesn't countforanything around here(= no onevaluesmyopinion).我的看法在这儿丝毫不受重视。 - It's often the little things that count the most.
- She's neverliedto me, and in mybookthat counts for a lot.
- It'squalitynotquantitythat really counts.
- Yourhealthis what counts - thecostof thetreatmentis notimportant.
- Yourfriendshipcounts more to me than you'lleverknow.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBeing important and having importance - bulk
- bulk largeidiom
- centrality
- come
- come beforesomething/someone
- cut
- cut to the chaseidiom
- fish
- have bigger/other fish to fryidiom
- have/take pride of placeidiom
- high-stakes
- loom
- loom largeidiom
- matter
- mean the world tosomeoneidiom
- override
- pride
- reign
- rise
- signify
See more results » countverb(CONSIDER)C2[IorT]toconsideror beconsideredas: 认为;看作;当作 I count myselffortunateto have had such a goodeducation.能受到如此良好的教育我认为自己很幸运。 I've had threejobsin the last fiveyears, but one of them wasunpaid, so it doesn't count(= cannot beconsideredas arealjob).过去5年中我干过3份工作,但其中有1份没有薪水,因此不能算。 I've always counted Sophiaamongmyclosestfriends.我一直把索非亚当作我最知心的朋友之一。 I didn'tthinkhisgrudgingremarksreally countedasanapology.我觉得他那些勉强说出的话不能算是真正的道歉。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThinking and contemplating - a brown studyidiom
- agonize
- agonize over/aboutsomething
- beard-stroking
- bethink
- dip
- harbour
- in the cold light of dayidiom
- introspect
- introspection
- joined-up thinking
- lateral thinking
- reflection
- rumination
- run throughsomeone'smind/headidiom
- scratch
- scratchyourheadidiom
- self-contemplation
- self-reflection
- weigh
See more results » Idioms...and counting could countsomethingon (the fingers of) one hand countyourblessings count the cost don't count your chickens before they're hatched Phrasal verbscount againstsomeone/something countsomeonein count onsomeone count onsomething countsomethingout countsomeoneout count towardssomething countnoun(NUMBER)C2[C]theactof counting, or thetotalnumberof things counted: 计数,计算;总数 Havingdoneaquickcount, IfindI'veplanted25 differentferns.很快地数了下,我发现自己已经种了 25 种不同的蕨类植物。 Thecurrentheadcount(=totalnumberofpeople)is about 31,500employees.目前的清点人数约为 31,500 名员工。 We had 450membersatthe last count(= when they were last counted).根据最新统计,我们有450位成员。 [C]theactof counting thevotesin anelection, or theeventwhen thishappens: (选举)计票,票数 Early counts show Mr Adams in thelead.早先的计票显示亚当斯先生领先。 The candidate'sspouseandelectionagentare alsoentitledto bepresentat the count.候选人的配偶和选举代理人也有权在计票时出席。 Helostby 3% of thevote, and haschallengedthe count incourt.他以3%的票数落败,并已在法庭上对计票提出质疑。 keep count torecordhow many of something there are, or how manytimessomething hashappened: 记录(数量或发生的次数)So manypeopleaskedus forhelp, it was hard tokeepcount.太多人请求我们帮助了,很难记录准确的数字。 See morelose count C2to not beabletorememberhow manytimessomething hashappened: 不记得数目;记不清 I'velostcount of how manytimesshe's been late forworkthismonth.我已记不清她这个月迟到多少次了。 See more[C]ascientificallymeasuredamountof something: (科学)计数,测得数目 a highpollencount高花粉数量 alowblood/spermcount低血细胞/精子数量 on the count of three, four, five, etc. when aparticularnumberisreached: 数到3(4,5等)On the count of three, I'd like you all tostandup.我数到3时希望你们全都起立。 See moreinboxing, theactof arefereecountingslowlyinsecondsfrom one to ten when afighterhas beenknockeddown. If thefightercannotstandup before the end of the count, theylosethematch. : He been down for a countofeight at the end of thepreviousround andlookedto have littleleft. He wasflooredfor thefullcount in round two. Hebeatthe count andstumbledup at eight. inbaseball, thenumberofballsthrownto abatterand thenumberofstrikes(=ballsthey do nothit): Traviswalkedon a 3–2 count. Gilsawthe count go to 3-and-0 with tworunnerson in the second. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNumbering & counting - absolute value
- binary
- cash
- countsomethingout
- countdown
- counter
- decimal point
- decimalization
- dendrochronology
- headcount
- numeracy
- numerate
- octal
- reckonsomethingin
- recount
- renumber
- run
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- run tosomething
- the Fundamental Counting Principle
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Elections General words for size and amount Fighting sports Baseball & rounders countnoun(RANK)[C]aEuropeanman of the samesocialrankas anEnglishearl (欧洲贵族称号)伯爵 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRoyalty, aristocracy & titles - accede tosomething
- accession
- anointed
- anti-monarchical
- anti-monarchist
- duke
- dukedom
- earl
- earldom
- emir
- Messrs
- miss
- mister
- monarch
- Royal Highness
- royal prerogative
- royalist
- Rt. Hon.
- Shah
See more results » countnoun(CRIME)[C]lawspecializedaparticularcrimethat apersonisaccusedof: 指控的罪状 Theprisonerwasfoundguiltyontwo countsofmurder.该囚犯被判定犯有两宗谋杀罪。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCrime - general words - anti-crime
- anti-fraud
- anti-narcotics
- arrestable
- caper
- carrying-on
- delinquency
- delinquent
- driving under the influence
- felony
- first-degree
- foul play
- illegality
- petty crime
- protection racket
- racket
- rap sheet
- second-degree
- sex crime
See more results » countnoun(OPINION)[C]anopinionin adiscussionorargument: 看法,主张 I'mafraidIdisagreewith youonall/several counts(= Idisagreewith all/several ofyouropinions).恐怕我完全不能同意你的看法/恐怕我不能同意你的几点看法。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpinions, beliefs and points of view - Afrocentric
- agnosticism
- anti-ideological
- article of faith
- ascription
- bubble
- creed
- have/take a notion todo somethingidiom
- helicopter view
- heretical
- hot take
- idea
- outlook
- point of view
- pole
- politics
- posture
- pretension
- prism
- tick
See more results » (Definition ofcountfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)countverb(NUMBER)B1[IorT]to saynumbersone after the other inorder, or tocalculatethenumberofpeopleor things in agroup (按顺序)数,数数;计算;计数Let's countoutloud(=speakthe words)from one to ten.我们来大声地从1数到10。 Theteacherscounted thestudentsas they got on to thebus.学生们上车时老师点了一下人数。 Countyourmoneycarefullyto makesureit's all there.好好数数你的钱,看看是不是都在。 [+ question word]We need to countwho's here, so we can makesurethat no one'smissing.我们要点一下谁在这儿,以确定无人缺席。 There'll be eight fordinner, counting(=including)ourselves.算上我们自己,共有8人就餐。 We're stillwaitingfor thevotesto be counted (up).我们仍在等待统计选票。 count heads to count thenumberofpeoplepresentsomewhere 点人数Therelookto be about 50peoplehere - I haven't countedheadsyet.看起来大概有50人在场——我还没有清点人数。 - Sheadmitted/concededdefeatwell before all thevoteshad been counted.
- Hebegancountingbackwards: "Ten, nine, eight ..."
- I counted eightcarsparkedintheirdrivethismorning!
- I'm going to count how manycustomerscome into theshopbetween seven and eight o'clock.
- You count to a hundred and we'll go andhide.
countverb(HAVE VALUE)B2[I]to havevalueorimportance 有价值;很重要;要紧I've alwaysbelievedthathappinesscounts more thanmoney.我一直认为幸福比金钱更重要。 Myopiniondoesn't countforanything around here(= no onevaluesmyopinion).我的看法在这儿丝毫不受重视。 - It's often the little things that count the most.
- She's neverliedto me, and in mybookthat counts for a lot.
- It'squalitynotquantitythat really counts.
- Yourhealthis what counts - thecostof thetreatmentis notimportant.
- Yourfriendshipcounts more to me than you'lleverknow.
countverb(CONSIDER)C2[IorT]toconsideror beconsideredas 认为;看作;当作I count myselffortunateto have had such a goodeducation.能受到如此良好的教育我认为自己很幸运。 I've had threejobsin the last fiveyears, but one of them wasunpaid, so it doesn't count(= cannot beconsideredas arealjob).过去5年中我干过3份工作,但其中有1份没有薪水,因此不能算。 I've always counted Sophiaamongmyclosestfriends.我一直把索非亚当作我最知心的朋友之一。 I didn'tthinkhisgrudgingremarksreally countedasanapology.我觉得他那些勉强说出的话不能算是真正的道歉。 Idiomscould countsthon (the fingers of) one hand countyourblessings count the cost don't count your chickens before they're hatched Phrasal verbscount againstsb/sth countsbin count onsb count onsth countsthout countsbout count towardssth countnoun(NUMBER)C2[C]theactof counting, or thetotalnumberof things counted 计数,计算;总数Havingdoneaquickcount, IfindI'veplanted25 differentferns.很快地数了下,我发现自己已经种了 25 种不同的蕨类植物。 Thecurrentheadcount(=totalnumberofpeople)is about 31,500employees.目前的清点人数约为 31,500 名员工。 We had 450membersatthe last count(= when they were last counted).根据最新统计,我们有450位成员。 [C]theactof counting thevotesin anelection, or theeventwhen thishappens (选举)计票,票数Early counts show Mr Adams in thelead.早先的计票显示亚当斯先生领先。 The candidate'sspouseandelectionagentare alsoentitledto bepresentat the count.候选人的配偶和选举代理人也有权在计票时出席。 Helostby 3% of thevote, and haschallengedthe count incourt.他以3%的票数落败,并已在法庭上对计票提出质疑。 keep count torecordhow many of something there are, or how manytimessomething hashappened 记录(数量或发生的次数)So manypeopleaskedus forhelp, it was hard tokeepcount.太多人请求我们帮助了,很难记录准确的数字。 lose count C2to not beabletorememberhow manytimessomething hashappened 不记得数目;记不清I'velostcount of how manytimesshe's been late forworkthismonth.我已记不清她这个月迟到多少次了。 [C]ascientificallymeasuredamountof something (科学)计数,测得数目a highpollencount高花粉数量 alowblood/spermcount低血细胞/精子数量 on the count of three, four, five, etc. when aparticularnumberisreached 数到3(4,5等)On the count of three, I'd like you all tostandup.我数到3时希望你们全都起立。 countnoun(RANK)[C]aEuropeanman of the samesocialrankas anEnglishearl countnoun(CRIME)[C]lawspecializedaparticularcrimethat apersonisaccusedof 指控的罪状Theprisonerwasfoundguiltyontwo countsofmurder.该囚犯被判定犯有两宗谋杀罪。 countnoun(OPINION)[C]anopinionin adiscussionorargument 看法,主张I'mafraidIdisagreewith youonall/several counts(= Idisagreewith all/several ofyouropinions).恐怕我完全不能同意你的看法/恐怕我不能同意你的几点看法。 count| American Dictionarycountverb(CALCULATE)[I/T]to say thenamesofnumbersone after the other inorder, or tocalculatethenumberofunitsin agroup: [I]By thetimeI count to three, you’dbetterbe inbed. [T]Theteacherscounted thestudentsas theyboardedthebus. [T]There’ll be eight fordinner, counting(=including)us. [+ question word]Can you count how manypencilsareleft? countverb(CONSIDER)[I/T]toconsideror beconsideredas: [T]He counts Lucy as one of hisclosestfriends. [I]Doeshomeworkcount toward mygrade? countverb(VALUE)[I]to havevalueorimportance: I’ve alwaysbelievedthathappinesscounts more thanmoney. Idiomsdon’t count your chickens before they hatch on the count ofsomething Phrasal verbscount(something)againstsomeone/something countsomeonein countsomeoneout count down count onsomeone/something count outsomething countnoun(CRIME)[C]lawaseparateitemincludedin acriminalaccusationagainst someone: She wasfoundguiltyon two counts offraud. countnoun(OPINION)[Cusually pl]astatementofbeliefin adiscussionorargument: Ithinkyou’rewrongon all counts. countnoun(CALCULATION)[C/U]acalculation,esp. ascientificone, of thenumberofunitsin agroup: alowbloodcount [C]We need a count of thenumberofe-mailinquiries. (Definition ofcountfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcountcount Cyst counts were transformed to instantaneous rates of infection.From theCambridge English Corpus Cattle were infested artificially with 2 x 10000 larvae and the engorging adult females counted.From theCambridge English Corpus The photon counting histogram in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy.From theCambridge English Corpus All that counts is the attainment of the absolute values.From theCambridge English Corpus The analysis is, however, suspect on several counts.From theCambridge English Corpus Each cell counted represented 5n6 cells\\l of whole blood.From theCambridge English Corpus Then this layer will be counted in (1).From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, the common use of the egg counts to measure the reproductive capacity in echinostome infections should be reevaluated.From theCambridge English Corpus Ratios between mean counts in striatum and cerebellum were calculated.From theCambridge English Corpus We also examined our data by counting the number of interviews in which the twin reported a depressive episode for the various time periods.From theCambridge English Corpus Cells were then collected by trypsinization and counted.From theCambridge English Corpus The number of black pixels was counted in a standardized square positioned over each band.From theCambridge English Corpus First, if several pieces of information that together answer the question are spread over several answer ranks, the lowest rank counts.From theCambridge English Corpus Since much of what follows depends on counting individual discrepancies, we should be explicit about how we have individuated discrepancies in our sample.From theCambridge English Corpus On the other hand, where identical discrepancies occur in the analysis of separate instances of identical wording, each instance is counted separately.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithcountcountThese are words often used in combination withcount. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. accurate count However, due to the difficulties in obtaining anaccuratecounton the body surface proper, only fins and corneae were included in this work. From theCambridge English Corpus actual count But anyactualcountdepends on the specification and political acceptance of a whole array of conventions. From theCambridge English Corpus bacterial count In general, however, abacterialcountof >100 c. f. u. resulted in the relevant machines being taken out of use. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/count## |