along,flat,narrowsurfaceortablein ashop,bank,restaurant, etc. at whichpeopleareserved:
柜台There was nobodybehind/onthe counter when I went into thebank, and I had towaitto beserved.我进银行时柜台后没人,我只得等候有人出来服务。
You willfindsausagesonthemeatcounter/rollsonthebreadcounter.你会在肉柜台找到香肠/在面包柜台找到面包卷。

Tom Werner/DigitalVision/GettyImages
mainlyUS(UKusuallyworktop,work surface)
akitchen counter:
(厨房)操作台Westackedthedirtyplateson thekitchencounter.我们把脏碟子堆放在厨房的操作台上。

David Churchill/Arcaid Images/GettyImages
- Heaskedthe man behind the counter to make up aboxwith amixedselectionofchocolates.
- If youwanttobuytickets, you need to go to the counteropposite.
- Thecustomsofficialbeckonedthe woman to his counter.
- Willpassengerswaitingtoboardpleasego to theticketcounter?
- Eachtransactionat theforeignexchangecounterseemsto takeforever.
Tables & desks
- bedside table
- bench
- benchtop
- booth
- breakfast bar
- bureau
- card table
- console
- drafting table
- dressing table
- drop-leaf table
- high table
- kitchen counter
- leaf
- standing desk
- tabletop
- trestle
- trestle table
- vanity
- writing desk
counternoun[C](OBJECT IN GAME)
asmallobjectused tomarksomeone'splacein somegamesplayedonboards
Andrea Colarieti/EyeEm/GettyImages
Board games
- backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- defence
- draught
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- pawn
- pin
- queen
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- square
counternoun[C](DOING COUNTING)
计数的人;计数器See also
Geiger counter
Numbering & counting
- absolute value
- binary
- cash
- count
- countsomethingout
- countdown
- decimal point
- decimalization
- dendrochronology
- headcount
- numeracy
- numerate
- octal
- reckonsomethingin
- recount
- renumber
- run
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- run tosomething
- the Fundamental Counting Principle
over the counter
under the counter
uk/ˈkaʊn.tər/us/ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ/toreactto something with anopposingopinionoraction, or todefendyourself against something:
反驳;反对;对抗After thegovernmentbombedtheircamp, therebelscounteredwithanattackon thecapital.政府轰炸了叛军的营地之后,叛军袭击首都作为还击。
Whencriticismswere made of the school'sperformance, theparents'groupcounteredwithdetailsofitsexamresults.当有人对学校的业绩提出批评时,家长团举出具体的考试成绩予以反驳。
Extrapolicehave beenmovedinto theareato counter theriskofviolence.加派了警察进驻该地区以镇压可能出现的暴力事件。
Answering & responding
- acknowledgment
- affirmative
- affirmatively
- answer
- answer (someone) back
- clap
- clap back
- clapback
- counterattack
- cricketsidiom
- defensively
- field
- give
- non-response
- non-responsive
- respondent
- response
- thank you
- whataboutism
in a way thatopposessomething:
相反地;对立地Bob'sdecisionnot to take thejobrancountertohis family'sexpectations.鲍勃不接受这份工作的决定与其家人的期望相悖。
Opposing & against
- ad hominem
- alienate
- alienated
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- converse
- insurgent
- nimby
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent