uk/mɔːf/us/mɔːrf/morphverb[I or T](CHANGE)
tograduallychange, orchangesomeone or something, from one thing to another:
When someonebringsuppoliticsat aparty, acasualconversationcanquicklymorphintoanuglyargument.
HegrewupwatchinghiselderbrotherJoe morphfromadifficultchildtoadrugaddict.
Sheclaimsthemediaandsocietymake apersontryto morphtheirbodyinto anunnaturalsizeorweight.
- Stemcellshave theabilityto morph into avarietyofcellswithspecificpurposes, such asnervecellsin thebrain.
- Thetitleof thebookwilllikelychangeas thecentralideamorphs overtime.
- With the toy-and-treatbonanzaof theholidaysapproaching,eventhe mostwell-behavedkidscan morph intomonsters.
- about-face
- about-turn
- alterable
- altered
- alternate
- commute
- drip
- modulate
- modulation
- move on
- move the goalpostsidiom
- move with the timesidiom
- pivot
- rewrite
- sanitization
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- stead
- steepness
- sway
morphverb[I or T](COMPUTER IMAGE)
tograduallychangeoneimageinto another, orcombinethem, using acomputerprogram:
(使)图像变形;将(图像)进行合成处理Herboyfriendused acomputerto morphphotosof herfaceonto the actor'sbody.
Thevideoshoweda man morphingintoatiger.录像里一名男子变成了一只老虎。
- Theadvertisements, which morph theracialcharacteristicsof Britishcelebrities, wereconceivedby thecommissionforracialequality, whosecampaignshave areputationfor usingshocktactics.
Computer programming & software
- abandonware
- ad-blocker
- ad-blocking
- adware
- analytics
- cheat
- facial recognition
- facial recognition software
- femtech
- file system
- garbage collector
- infection
- planner
- routine
- software package
- spellchecker
- splash screen
- story mode
- syntactic
- syntactically
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