theatre & filmspecialized(alsomocap)uk/ˈməʊ.kæp/us/ˈmoʊ.kæp/short formotion capture: theprocessofdigitallyrecordingthepatternsofmovementofpeopleandobjects, used forexamplein film-making andvideogames:
动态捕捉(motion capture的缩写)Mo-capoffersseveraladvantagesovertraditionalcomputeranimationof a 3Dmodel.与传统的计算机三维模型动画相比,动态捕捉技术具有多种优势。
Mocaptechnologyallowsoneactortoplaymultipleroleswithin asinglefilm.动态捕捉技术使一个演员能够在一部电影中扮演多个角色。
- Thecompanygeeksdecidedfacialmo-cap could be acrucialupgradefeature.
- The mo-capworkisfocusinghisskillsas anactorinwaysbitpartsnever could.
- Carrey has such anexpressiveface, itseemsalmostacrimetohideit beneath the mo-capprocess.
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
- acquire
- acquisition
- armourer
- auteur
- canister
- computer-animated
- filmmaker
- filmmaking
- fog machine
- green screen
- helmer
- linear
- produce
- recut
- reshoot
- restage
- run throughsomething
- screen test
- setting
- special effect