course noun (CLASSES )
A1 [C ] a set ofclassesor aplanofstudyon aparticularsubject, usuallyleadingto anexamorqualification:
课程;教程 They're going awayon atrainingcourse nextweek. 下星期他们要出去上实习课。
I'd like todo (US take ) a writing course when Iretire. 退休后我想修一门写作课。
UK Timdid a three-year coursein linguisticsat Newcastle. 蒂姆在纽卡斯尔大学修了为期3年的语言学课程。
I did a course increativewriting. Julie hassignedup for courses onEnglishandFrenchthisyear. There are still somevacanciesforstudentsinscienceandengineeringcourses. The coursecomprisesaclassbook, apracticebookand anaudiotape. She's beenofferedaplaceon thenursingcourse. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClasses & courses
academic year access course advanced Advanced Placement asynchronous field trip foundation course grind homework HyFlex immersion course interdisciplinarity non-class non-degree open admissions open classroom prep the national curriculum work placement workshop See more results »
course noun (SPORTS AREA )
B1 [C ] anareaoflandorwaterused for asportsevent:
竞赛场地;球场;跑道;泳道 agolfcourse/cross-countrycourse 高尔夫球场/越野赛赛场
Hespendseveryweekendout on thegolfcourse. Wewalkedthe course thehorseswould have torunlater. Theracewascancelledbecause the course waswaterlogged. Heranthe course in less than anhour. Flagsmarkthe course thecyclistswill be taking. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSurfaces on which sports take place
18-yard box AstroTurf bound bowling green canvas climbing wall court goal line ground staff out of bounds idiom playability playable playing field pump track recreation center ring rink sideline skatepark upright See more results »
course noun (DEVELOPMENT )
C1 [S ] the oftengradualdevelopmentof something, or the way somethinghappens, or a way of doing something:
进展;进程;经过,过程 Did thescandalhave anyeffecton the course of theelection? 丑闻对选举进程有影响吗?
In the courseof (= during) theinterviewitbecameclearthat he was not therightpersonfor thejob.面试表明他并不适合这份工作。
What would be anappropriatecourse(ofaction) in such asituation? 在这种情况下采取什么样的措施才合适呢?
Ifourrivalsarespendingmore onadvertising, we'll have tofollowthe same course. 如果对手增加广告投入,我们也只得奉陪。
Thedefendantsare alsoaccusedofattemptingtopervertthe courseofjustice . 被告还被指控企图妨碍司法公正。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesnecessary action
actionThey are considering legal action. course of actionThey have not yet decided on a particular course of action. measureMeasures are in place to prevent flooding. stepThese simple steps will ensure that infections are not spread. See more results »
in the course of time UK (alsoUS over the course of time )
after aperiodoftime:
经过一段时间;最后;终有一天 Iassumetheyplanto havechildrenin the course oftime. 我想他们总有一天会打算要孩子的。
See more
with the course of time
(alsoUS over the course of time ) gradually:
逐渐地,渐渐地 With the course oftime, I'velearnedtolivewith mydisability. 渐渐地,我学会了接受自己残疾的现实。
See more Once we havecommittedto this course ofactionthere is no going back. We came up against a lot ofproblemsin the course ofbuildingourextension. In the course ofhistory,lovehasdrivenmen and women tostrangeextremes. I wasgratefulfor hisletterwhichhastenedthe course of theenquiry. He has beenaccusedofobstructingthe course ofjustice. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWays of achieving things
actively another approach avenue bases basis device formula media method methodological methodologically methodology strategy styleless stylistic stylistically technique thus vehicle See more results »
course noun (DIRECTION )
C1 [C usually singular ,U ] thedirectionin which avehicle,especiallyanaircraft,spacecraft, orship,moves, or thepathalong which ariverflows:
(尤指飞机、航天器或轮船的)航向,航道,路线;(河流的)流向,水道 Thepilotavoidedacollisionbychanging course. 飞行员改变航向避免了一起碰撞事故。
Changing the course of theriverwouldcauseseriousenvironmentaldamageto thewholevalley. 河流改道会严重危害整个流域的环境。
figurative Thedebatecompletelychangedcourse after Liz made herspeech. 莉兹发言后辩论方向完全改变了。
on course
likelytohappen, orlikelytosucceedasplanned:
可能发生的;可能如愿以偿的 Because of therecession, we're on coursefor/to have recordunemploymentlevels. 由于经济衰退,我们可能要创失业率的新纪录了。
See more Allattemptsatdiplomacyhavebrokendown and the twostatesnowappearto be on acollisioncourse. Hedrovein anerraticcourse down theroad. Some of thefrontierbetween Germany and Polandfollowsthe course of theriverOder Theshiphelditscourse. Mostparentstrytosteeramiddlecourse betweenimposingverystrictdisciplineandlettingtheirkidsrunwild. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDirection of motion
A, a abduct abduction adduct adduction cross-country destined direction en route facing follow from A to B idiom inland into multidirectional outbound overland right the right/wrong/other way around idiom west See more results »
course noun (MEAL )
A2 [C ] apartof amealthat isservedseparatelyfrom the otherparts:
一道菜 a four-courselunch 四道菜的午餐
AtraditionalBritishmain course consists of ameatdishwithpotatoesand othervegetables. 传统的英国主菜由肉加土豆及其他蔬菜组成。
If you make themaincourse, I'll make adessert. I've onlyeatenone course and I'm alreadyfull. By thetimethe fourth course wasserved, I wasstuffedto thegills. Theaveragecostof afullthree-coursemeal-appetizer,maincourse anddessert-includingtipand amodestwineis about $25. I hadsalmonfor mymaincourse. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMeals & parts of meals
accompaniment afternoon tea afters amuse-bouche antipasto dinner time elevenses English breakfast feast feeding packed lunch picnic picnicker plate meal ploughman's lunch tapas tea tea party teatime tiffin See more results »
course noun (MEDICAL TREATMENT )
[C ] afixednumberofregularmedicaltreatments:
疗程 My doctor'sput meon a courseof antibiotics. 医生让我接受了一个疗程的抗生素治疗。
UK Sheneededa six-month course ofphysiotherapyafter shebrokeherleg. 腿骨折后她需要一个为期6个月的理疗疗程。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMedicine in different forms
blister pack bolus booster Caplet chemotherapy dosage elixir enema injectable injection jab jag knockout drops medication mixture patent medicine pharmaceutical phial prescription wonder drug See more results »
course noun (LAYER )
[C ] architecture specialized acontinuoushorizontallayerofbricksor otherbuildingmaterial
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuilding materials
adobe airbrick asphalt bamboo biomaterial fibro flagged flagstone flitch floorboard lacquer paving prestressed putty razor wire rebar shingle wattle wattle and daub weatherboarding See more results »
course noun (BLOOD )
courses [plural ] old use
thebleedingfrom a woman'suterus (= theorganin thebodyin which ababydevelopsbeforebirth) thathappensaboutonceamonthwhen she is notpregnant:
Her coursesceasedand sheknewthat she was withchild.
See more Grammar Of course
We use of course to refer to things that are obvious or already known to the speaker and listener, or to everybody: …
toflowquicklyor inlargeamounts:
奔流;奔涌;大量流动 Tears were coursingdown hischeeks. 泪水从他的脸颊滚落。
You couldalmosthearthebloodcoursingthrough herveinsas shepassedthefinishingline. 她冲过终点时你几乎听得到血液在她血管里流动的声音。
figurative A newwaveofidealismis coursingthrough ourschools. 一股新的理想主义浪潮正席卷我们的学校。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMovement of liquids
backsplash be dripping withsomething idiom bleed decant drainage drip eddy leakage ripple run a bath phrase runsomeone/something over runnel seep seepage spate swill swirl topsomething up trickle tub See more results »
(Definition ofcourse from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
course noun (CLASSES )
A1 [C ] a set ofclassesor aplanofstudyon aparticularsubject, usuallyleadingto anexamorqualification
课程;教程 They're going awayon atrainingcourse nextweek. 下星期他们要出去上实习课。
I'd like todo (US take ) a writing course when Iretire. 退休后我想修一门写作课。
UK Timdid a three-year coursein linguisticsat Newcastle. 蒂姆在纽卡斯尔大学修了为期3年的语言学课程。
I did a course increativewriting. Julie hassignedup for courses onEnglishandFrenchthisyear. There are still somevacanciesforstudentsinscienceandengineeringcourses. The coursecomprisesaclassbook, apracticebookand anaudiotape. She's beenofferedaplaceon thenursingcourse.
course noun (SPORTS AREA )
B1 [C ] anareaoflandorwaterused for asportsevent
竞赛场地;球场;跑道;泳道 agolfcourse/cross-countrycourse 高尔夫球场/越野赛赛场
Hespendseveryweekendout on thegolfcourse. Wewalkedthe course thehorseswould have torunlater. Theracewascancelledbecause the course waswaterlogged. Heranthe course in less than anhour. Flagsmarkthe course thecyclistswill be taking.
course noun (DEVELOPMENT )
C1 [S ] the oftengradualdevelopmentof something, or the way somethinghappens, or a way of doing something
进展;进程;经过,过程 Did thescandalhave anyeffecton the course of theelection? 丑闻对选举进程有影响吗?
In the courseof (= during) theinterviewitbecameclearthat he was not therightpersonfor thejob.面试表明他并不适合这份工作。
What would be anappropriatecourse(ofaction) in such asituation? 在这种情况下采取什么样的措施才合适呢?
Ifourrivalsarespendingmore onadvertising, we'll have tofollowthe same course. 如果对手增加广告投入,我们也只得奉陪。
Thedefendantsare alsoaccusedofattemptingtopervertthe courseofjustice . 被告还被指控企图妨碍司法公正。
in the course of time UK
经过一段时间;最后;终有一天 Iassumetheyplanto havechildrenin the course oftime. 我想他们总有一天会打算要孩子的。
in/with the course of time
逐渐地,渐渐地 With the course oftime, I'velearnedtolivewith mydisability. 渐渐地,我学会了接受自己残疾的现实。
Once we havecommittedto this course ofactionthere is no going back. We came up against a lot ofproblemsin the course ofbuildingourextension. In the course ofhistory,lovehasdrivenmen and women tostrangeextremes. I wasgratefulfor hisletterwhichhastenedthe course of theenquiry. He has beenaccusedofobstructingthe course ofjustice.
course noun (DIRECTION )
C1 [C usually singular ,U ] thedirectionin which avehicle,especiallyanaircraft,spacecraft, orship,moves, or thepathalong which ariverflows
(尤指飞机、航天器或轮船的)航向,航道,路线;(河流的)流向,水道 Thepilotavoidedacollisionbychanging course. 飞行员改变航向避免了一起碰撞事故。
Changing the course of theriverwouldcauseseriousenvironmentaldamageto thewholevalley. 河流改道会严重危害整个流域的环境。
figurative Thedebatecompletelychangedcourse after Liz made herspeech. 莉兹发言后辩论方向完全改变了。
on course
likelytohappen, orlikelytosucceedasplanned
可能发生的;可能如愿以偿的 Because of therecession, we're on coursefor/to have recordunemploymentlevels. 由于经济衰退,我们可能要创失业率的新纪录了。
Allattemptsatdiplomacyhavebrokendown and the twostatesnowappearto be on acollisioncourse. Hedrovein anerraticcourse down theroad. Some of thefrontierbetween Germany and Polandfollowsthe course of theriverOder Theshiphelditscourse. Mostparentstrytosteeramiddlecourse betweenimposingverystrictdisciplineandlettingtheirkidsrunwild.
course noun (MEAL )
A2 [C ] apartof amealthat isservedseparatelyfrom the otherparts
一道菜 a four-courselunch 四道菜的午餐
AtraditionalBritishmain course consists of ameatdishwithpotatoesand othervegetables. 传统的英国主菜由肉加土豆及其他蔬菜组成。
If you make themaincourse, I'll make adessert. I've onlyeatenone course and I'm alreadyfull. By thetimethe fourth course wasserved, I wasstuffedto thegills. Theaveragecostof afullthree-coursemeal-appetizer,maincourse anddessert-includingtipand amodestwineis about $25. I hadsalmonfor mymaincourse.
course noun (MEDICAL TREATMENT )
[C ] afixednumberofregularmedicaltreatments
疗程 My doctor'sput meon a courseof antibiotics. 医生让我接受了一个疗程的抗生素治疗。
UK Sheneededa six-month course ofphysiotherapyafter shebrokeherleg. 腿骨折后她需要一个为期6个月的理疗疗程。
course noun (LAYER )
[C ] architecture specialized acontinuoushorizontallayerofbricksor otherbuildingmaterial
Grammar Of course
We use of course to refer to things that are obvious or already known to the speaker and listener, or to everybody: …
toflowquicklyor inlargeamounts
奔流;奔涌;大量流动 Tears were coursingdown hischeeks. 泪水从他的脸颊滚落。
You couldalmosthearthebloodcoursingthrough herveinsas shepassedthefinishingline. 她冲过终点时你几乎听得到血液在她血管里流动的声音。
figurative A newwaveofidealismis coursingthrough ourschools. 一股新的理想主义浪潮正席卷我们的学校。
course | American Dictionary
course noun [C] (DIRECTION )
theparticularpathsomething such as anaircraftorshiptakesas itmoves, or thepathalong which ariverflows:
Asoutherncourse will takeourflightover Texas.
Theshipwasblownoff course (= away fromitscourse) in thestorm.
course noun [C] (DEVELOPMENT )
the oftengradualdevelopmentof something, or the way somethinghappens, or a way of doing something:
He alwayschatswithwaitersandwaitressesandbecomestheirbestfriendsduring the course ofdinner.
course noun [C] (CLASSES )
a set ofclassesin asubjectat aschooloruniversity:
Hetaughta course infilmhistoryat Harvard University.
course noun [C] (SPORTS AREA )
anareaused for asportsevent:
course noun [C] (MEAL )
apartof amealservedseparatelyfrom the otherparts:
(Definition ofcourse from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
aseriesoflessonson aparticularsubject:
course in/on sth Weprovidecourses incommerce,finance, andbasicmarketing.
During the course,studentswilllearntraditionalbusinessandprojectmanagementskills.
run/teach/offer a course Mycompanyoffersa lot ofin-housetrainingcourses.
enrol on a course He hasenrolledon a book-keeping course.
be on/go on/do a course Going on a course is agreatway oflearningin afocusedenvironment.
take a course (in sth) Shedecidedto take a course inrecruitmentpracticetoexpandhercareer.
pass/fail/complete a course Students whofailtocompletethe course will not beawardedacertificate.
a course runs/takes place Our coursesrunbetweenSeptemberand May.
a two-year/part-time/full-time, etc. course a three-dayICTcourse
adegree/distance-learning course
See also correspondence course
refresher course
sandwich course
training course
(Definition ofcourse from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof course course
My judgement is that such experiences are no less vivid than ordinary experience, although ofcourse greatly reduced in informational content. From theCambridge English Corpus
Ofcourse , a generalised norm or level mapping can be interpreted as an ordinary norm or level mapping by restricting its domain to ground objects. From theCambridge English Corpus
Ofcourse , many of the objectives could have also been accomplished by regulations. From theCambridge English Corpus
In thecourse of time, these tools were discarded and replaced by new ones made of local flint varieties. From theCambridge English Corpus
These stresses and antisocial behavior may, in turn, cause an increase in children's internalizing problems through the lifecourse . From theCambridge English Corpus
This, ofcourse , tells us very little about the actual practice of telemedicine. From theCambridge English Corpus
The preface tells us that the book is intended to back up a second-year universitycourse , presumably in stratigraphy as defined by the author. From theCambridge English Corpus
On a day-to-day level, re-ection of a mediational character was drawn into teaching sessions across the entirecourse . From theCambridge English Corpus
From 1961 onwards archaeology was taught as a so-called further educationcourse , which followed studies in another discipline lasting four to five years. From theCambridge English Corpus
In addition to teaching linguistics courses for teachers, she teaches children's literature. From theCambridge English Corpus
She discusses in detail four areas of verbal hygiene: copy editing, teaching grammar in schools, 'political correctness', and self-help language courses for women. From theCambridge English Corpus
Ofcourse adaptation to consumers' preferences took on a specific form. From theCambridge English Corpus
Early vegetative symptoms, however, may also contribute to the high rates of depression seen later in thecourse of immune activation. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, they found the methodologycourse itself too theoretical. From theCambridge English Corpus
Governments that are responsive are generally more legitimate than those that do not, and should experience less instability, all other things being equal, ofcourse . From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith course course These are words often used in combination withcourse .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
accelerated course
In others—in mathematics for example—he is taking an accelerated course, and in biology he is attending the senior sixth form discussion group.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
advanced course
This chapter was a boon to my students in an advanced course in linguistic anthropology.
From theCambridge English Corpus
alternative course
Given a probability distribution and a utility function, both with the appropriate properties, the agent calculates the expected utility of each alternative course of action.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.