(USalsocosleeper)uk/ˌkəʊˈsliː.pər/us/ˈkoʊˌsliː.pɚ/(USalsoco-sleeping crib);(UKalsoco-sleeping cot)
asmallbedfor ababythat can beplacednext to the parent'sbedwith thesidelowered, so thebabyiseasytoreachif itneedsmilkorcomfort:
With a co-sleeper you'relyingnext toyourbaby, but notsharingbedcoverings.

urfinguss/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aparentwhosleepswith ababyin the samebed:
陪睡的父母Some co-sleepers do it because theywanttobreastfeedfor alongtimeorbelievebedsharingis good for a child'swell-being.一些父母陪睡是因为他们想长时间地母乳喂养,或者是因为他们觉得同睡有利于孩子的健康。
- A co-sleeperallowsyou tokeepyourbabyclose, whilefollowingsafetyguidelinesto haveyourbabyin aseparatecriborcot.
- Youprobablywon't need a co-sleeper and a mosesbasket, but it'sniceto haveoptions.
- Co-sleepingcotsattachto thesideofyourbed, which isespeciallyusefulif you’ve had adifficultbirthandfindgetting out ofbedpainful.
- 29percentofmothersin thestudywere "combinationco-sleepers"meaningthemothertypicallystartedthebabyoff in acotnear thebed, but took it intobedat sometimeduring thenight.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- nursemaid
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- unadopted
- upbringing
- visitation
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Parents & children