uk/kɒzˈmɒl.ə.dʒɪst/us/kɑːzˈmɑː.lə.dʒɪst/someone whostudiesthenatureandoriginof theuniverse:
宇宙论者,宇宙哲学家Cosmologists have usedsatellitesandprobestohelpdeterminetheageof theuniverse.宇宙学家利用卫星和探测器来帮助确定宇宙的年龄。
- Cosmologists arebeginningtoconvergeon what theycalla "standardmodel" of theuniverse.
- Stephen Hawking has been the cosmologist mostcloselyassociatedin thepublicmindwith thephenomenonofblackholes.
- Cosmologistswanttoknowhow much ofmatterbelievedtoexistin theuniverse, butyetto beaccountedfor, can be attributed to neutrinos.
- James Peebles is atheoreticalcosmologist at Princeton University.
The Earth & outer space - general words
- ablate
- aeolian
- alluvium
- anti-gravity
- atmosphere
- auroral
- biosphere
- geo-
- geophysicist
- globe
- lithospheric
- mesosphere
- mesospheric
- microgravity
- multiverse
- the Big Bang
- the big bang theory
- the firmament
- underground
- universe