excess mortality
uk/ˌek.ses mɔːˈtæl.ə.ti/us/ekˌses mɔːrˈtæl.ə.t̬i/thenumberofdeathsduring aparticularperiodabove theusual,expectednumberundernormalconditions, which can show theeffectof something like adiseaseorharmfulevent:
超额死亡率We shoulddevelopmethodstorapidlyassesstotalexcessmortalityafternaturaldisasters.我们应该制定方法,迅速评估自然灾害后的总超额死亡率。
Theyanalysedexcessmortalityfrom the Coronavirus (Covid-19)pandemic.他们分析了冠状病毒(Covid-19)大流行期间的超额死亡率。
excess deaths
- Theirpaperreviewstheexcessmortalityof the 1918influenzapandemic.
- In theabsenceof areliablefigurefrom thegovernment, researchersattemptedin themonthssince thestormtocalculatethe "excessmortality".
- Excessmortalitywould be apreciseindicatorof theseverityof thefamine.
- In theyearafterbreakingahip, theexcessmortalitywas between 20 and 33percent.
Medical studies & the people who study them
- anatomist
- audiologist
- audiology
- bacteriologist
- bariatrics
- cardiologist
- mannikin
- midwife
- neurologist
- oculist
- optometry
- oral surgeon
- orthopaedics
- orthoptics
- orthoptist
- orthotics
- pharmacologist
- virologist
- virology
- vivisectionist
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