uk/ˈkɒs.æk/us/ˈkɑː.sæk/amemberof agroupofpeoplefrom thesteppes(=largeareasoflandwithgrassbut notrees)ofEasternEurope,knownasbravefightersand goodhorseriders:
The Cossacks were a semi-nomadicpeople.
Millions ofpeopleacrosstheworlddeclareCossackethnicity.
amemberof amilitaryunitmade up ofpeoplefrom thisgroup:
He had several thousand Cossacks under hiscommand.
Theforcesincludedtanksand Cossackcavalry.
- Cossackselectedtheirownleadersand wereproudlyself-sufficient.
- Atroupeof Ukrainian Cossackdancersgave anincrediblefoot-stompingperformance.
- TheimageshowedCossacksmarchinginRedSquare.
Parts of armies & groups of servicemen
- artillery
- battalion
- bomb disposal
- bomb disposal unit
- bomb squad
- cadre
- Coast Guardsman
- corps
- detachment
- non-combatant
- paratroops
- patrol
- rearguard
- seal
- squad
- squadron
- the Coast Guard
- the Marine Corps
- troop