crêpe Suzette
(alsocrepe suzette,crepe Suzette,Crepe Suzette)uk/ˌkrep suːˈzet/us/ˌkrep suːˈzet/pluralcrêpes Suzetteuk/ˌkrep suːˈzet/us/ˌkrep suːˈzet/|USalsocrêpe Suzettesasweet,thinpancakewith anorangeflavour,coveredwithliqueurorbrandythat is set onfirejust before youeatit:
We had amushroomrisottostarter,duckbreastformaincourse, andcrepeSuzette fordessert.
The mostcommonway to make Crêpe Suzette is topourliqueur(usually Grand Marnier) over afreshlycookedcrêpewithsugarand setlightto it.
ThecrêpesSuzette werecookedin arichorange-buttersauce.

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- Crepe Suzette is myfavouriteFrenchrecipe.
- He was theclearwinner; makingdeliciousCrêpe Suzette fromscratchearnedhim thetrophy.
- Theorangebutterused in thecrepesuzette isexcellentspreadoncakelayersas anorangebuttercream.
Pancakes & batter
- batter
- bhaji
- blini
- churro
- crepe
- creperie
- flapjack
- fritter
- galette
- griddle cake
- hoecake
- johnnycake
- latke
- pakora
- pancake
- polenta
- toad-in-the-hole
- waffle
- Yorkshire pudding