moka pot
uk/ˈmɒk.ə ˌpɒt/us/ˈmoʊ.kə ˌpɑːt/ametalpotfor makingcoffeeontopof acooker, whichworksbyheatingwaterin thebottompartof thepotso it isforcedthrough asmallinnercontainerofpowderedcoffee, andflowsinto thetophalfof thepot:
摩卡壶(一种金属制咖啡煮壶)I have a mokapot, and it makesoutstandingcoffeeandespresso.我有一个摩卡壶,能做出美味的咖啡和浓缩咖啡。

SomchaiChoosiri/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- I have useddripmachines, mokapots,steampowered"espresso"makers,Frenchpress, andpumpespressomachines.
- Pressurizedwatermethodsof makingcoffeeincludethe mokapotandvacuumcoffeemaker.
- Thesaucersaredecoratedwith avarietyofimages,includingmokapotsandespressocups.
Warm drinks
- Americano
- arabica
- Assam
- babyccino
- bed-tea
- coffee maker
- congou
- crema
- cuppa
- Darjeeling
- infuse
- infusion
- Irish coffee
- jasmine tea
- joe
- rooibos
- Rosie Lee
- sencha
- stewed
- tea