释义 |
culturaladjective(WAY OF LIFE)B1relatingto thehabits,traditions, andbeliefsof asociety: 与文化有关的,文化的 The US is oftenaccusedof culturalimperialism.人们常指责美国奉行文化帝国主义。 Australiahasitsown culturalidentity, which is very different from that ofBritain.澳大利亚有自己的文化特征,与英国文化大不相同。 culturaldiversity/differences文化多样性/差异 culturalheritage(=waysoflivingandthinkingthat haveexistedfor alongtimein asociety)文化遗产 - It is astudyof thesocialand culturalmilieuin which Michelangelolivedandworked.
- Thecountryis now a cultural andsocialmosaicdueto theinfluxof several differentethnicgroups.
- Thebestfilmsare those whichtranscendnationalor culturalbarriers.
- Theerawascharacterizedbypoliticaland culturalturbulence.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLifestyles & their study - affluenza
- anthropogenic
- anthropological
- anthropologically
- anthropologist
- anthropology
- demographics
- demography
- downshifting
- ethnographer
- ethnographic
- hermetically
- intercultural
- lifestyle
- meme
- monoculture
- way of lifeidiom
- westernization
- westernize
- westernized
See more results » culturaladjective(ART)B1relatingtomusic,art,theatre,literature, etc.: 文化的,文艺的 culturalactivities文艺活动 a culturalcentre(= aplacewith a lot ofmuseums,theatres, etc.)文化中心 a culturaldesert/wasteland(= aplacewithoutmuseums,theatres, etc.)文化沙漠/荒原 - Theministersaid that thegovernmentplannedtodevelopexchangeswith othercountries,particularlyin cultural,scientificandeconomicspheres.
- According toMarxisttheory, a society'ssuperstructureisitslegal,social, cultural andpoliticalinstitutions, which arebasedonitseconomicsystems.
- Theyorganizedaseriesof culturalevents.
- There is anannualculturalexchangebetweenourcities.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArt & culture - aesthetic
- Afrocentric
- Afrofuturism
- anti-cultural
- art gallery
- arty
- barbarian
- composition
- compositional
- culturally
- efflorescence
- highbrow
- lowbrow
- middlebrow
- Mitteleuropean
- non-derivative
- pop culture
- soul
- soul food
- soulful
See more results » (Definition ofculturalfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)cultural| American Dictionaryculturaladjective(OF A WAY OF LIFE)of or referring to the way oflifeof aparticularpeople,esp. asshownintheirordinarybehaviorandhabits,theirattitudestoward each other, andtheirmoralandreligiousbeliefs: Thecountryhas arichculturalheritage. culturaladjective(OF THE ARTS)of or referring to theliterature,art,music,dance,theater, etc., thatrepresentthetraditionsor the way oflifeof aparticularpeopleorgroup: thegreatculturalcentersofEurope (Definition ofculturalfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)cultural| Business Englishrelatingto thehabits,traditions, andbeliefsof asociety, acompany, etc.: Australiahasitsownculturalidentity, which is very different from that ofBritain. The culturalidentityof acompanyisshapedbyitsattitudestoitsemployees. culturaldiversity/differences culturally
a culturallydiverseworkforce (Definition ofculturalfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofculturalcultural One form ofculturalcontrol is intercropping, or increasing the diversity of crop species11.From theCambridge English Corpus Indeed, to comprehend the conditionally of new frames they must be examined in tandem with entrenchedculturalpredispositions.From theCambridge English Corpus Insufficient attention toculturalissues is likely to limit the effectiveness of interventions.From theCambridge English Corpus The aim of this study was to explore its cross-culturalvalidity.From theCambridge English Corpus We do not find that prevalence differences are explained by cross-culturaldifferences in the form or validity of the depressive syndrome.From theCambridge English Corpus In the period before 'music television' existed as aculturalform and as an institutional entity it was more common to address music on television.From theCambridge English Corpus Commentary : counting heads may maskculturaland social factors.From theCambridge English Corpus Finally, since social andculturalrelations involve constant change, identity is variable and multiple.From theCambridge English Corpus The marking with soot seems to refer to non-social behaviour, whereas the tattooing marks theculturaltransition of a young woman to womanhood.From theCambridge English Corpus We report a study from a western region examining the impact of acculturation on depression to clarify the role ofculturalfactors.From theCambridge English Corpus A few years ago aculturalinitiative was established in order to revisit and commemorate the history of the quarry through variousculturalevents.From theCambridge English Corpus The sites of historical remembrance can be manifested in various forms as institutions, topographical places, objects,culturalcreations, social habits, and even buildings.From theCambridge English Corpus Inculturalstudies the plays themselves are not the main focus of attention.From theCambridge English Corpus There are other examples of me being mindful that an audience might not get a lot of theseculturalreferences.From theCambridge English Corpus There are two possible instantiations ofculturalidentity: expanded-identity speakers and local-identity speakers.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/cultural## |