Scotch bonnet
uk/ˈskɒtʃ ˌbɒn.ɪt/us/ˈskɑːtʃ ˌbɑː.nɪt/(alsoScotch bonnet pepper);(UKalsoScotch bonnet chilli);(USalsoScotch bonnet chili)atypeof veryspicychillioften used inWestAfricancooking:
苏格兰帽辣椒(西非烹饪中常用的一种极辣的辣椒)Scotchbonnetsareextremelyhotand should be used withcaution.苏格兰帽辣椒辣度极高,应谨慎使用。

cheche22/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Chillisvaryenormouslyinheat, fromwaxchillis asmildas asweetpepperto theblisteringpowerof theScotchbonnet.
- We usecayennepepperinsteadof thetraditionalScotchbonnettoreducetheheatto alevelyourfamilywillenjoy.
- Scotchbonnetpeppersare sohotthatdroppingone into asouporstewwillcreateaformidablechillikick.
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- Jerusalem artichoke
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- sag
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- shallot