hard enough to bebrokeneasily
脆的;易碎的used todescribecookedfoods, such aspastryandbiscuits, that are wellcookedso that they are justdryand hard enough
(糕点、饼干等食物)酥脆的not bending or changing shape easily
- hardIf you hit your head on a hard surface, see a doctor.
- stiffPost the picture in a stiff cardboard envelope so it doesn't get crumpled.
- rigidThe sculpture was a rigid steel and concrete structure.
- solidDry the clay until it's solid.
- firmI prefer a firm mattress.
(蔬果)新鲜爽脆的,脆生生的a crispapple脆生生的苹果
(纸或布)挺括的,平展的a crisp new £5note/a crispwhitetablecloth平展簇新的5英镑钞票/平展的白色桌布
Hard and firm
- (as) stiff/straight as a ramrodidiom
- adamantine
- cast iron
- congealed
- crisply
- erect
- firmness
- fossilized
- harden
- hardening
- hardness
- horny
- rigid
- rigidity
- rock-hard
- rock-solid
- solidly
- stiff
- stiffly
- tense
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Various qualities of food
A crispsoundorimageis veryclear:
(声音或形象)清晰明了的Thesoundfrom the newspeakersis very crisp.新扬声器的声音非常清晰。
A crisp way ofspeaking, writing, orbehavingisquick,confident, andeffective:
(说话、写作或行为)干脆利落的,利索的,明快的a crispreply干脆利落的回答
a crisp,efficientmanner举止利落干练
Apparent and obvious
- (from) underyournoseidiom
- apparent
- be (as) plain as the nose onyourfaceidiom
- be (right) underyournoseidiom
- be etchedsomewhereidiom
- be writ largeidiom
- foregone conclusion
- glaring
- glaringly
- I need hardlydo somethingidiom
- in plain sightidiom
- obtrude
- overt
- overtly
- palpable
- palpably
- parallax
- squeaky
- stand/stick out a mileidiom
- writ
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Easy to understand
Not saying much
Crispweatheriscold,dry, andbright:
having temperature lower than what is comfortable
- coldBrr, it's cold outside!
- bitterWrap up warmly - it's bitter outside!
- freezingIt's absolutely freezing in here!
- bitingA biting wind blew in her face as she opened the door.
- icyAn icy wind whistled across the plain.
Crispairiscold,dry, andfresh:
(空气)清爽的,凉爽的Ibreathedindeeplythe crispmountainair.我深深地吸了口山间清爽的空气。
- bracing
- cool
- cool(someone/something)down/off
- coolness
- crispness
- fresh
- refresh
- refreshing
- refreshingly
- temperate
A2[Cusually plural]UK(USchip,potato chip)
a verythin, often roundpieceoffriedpotato, sometimes with aflavouradded,soldespeciallyinplasticbags:

Greg Elms/StockFood Creative/GettyImages
- If yougorgeyourself on crisps like that, you won'teatyourdinner.
- Twopintsoflagerand apacketof crisps,please.
- Iboughtsome crisps andnutsand othernibbles.
- Thispacketof crispscosts25p.
- If youeatthree goodmealsaday, you're lesslikelytosnackonbiscuitsand crisps.
Forms of potatoes as food
- aloo
- alu
- baked potato
- bubble and squeak
- colcannon
- finger chip
- French fry
- fries
- hash browns
- Hasselback potato
- kettle chip
- mash
- mashed potatoes
- potato chip
- potato salad
- scalloped
- shoestring potatoes
- skordalia
- stovies
- wafer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sandwiches & snacks
crispnoun(SWEET FOOD)
asweetdishmade fromfruitcoveredin amixtureofflour,butter, andsugarrubbedtogether intosmallpieces,baked, andeatenhot:

LauriPatterson/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Puddings, desserts & ices
- baked Alaska
- baklava
- banana split
- bananas Foster
- banoffee pie
- crumble
- dessert
- dulce de leche
- dumpling
- entremets
- Jell-O
- knafeh
- knickerbocker glory
- kugel
- lolly
- soufflé
- spotted dick
- summer pudding
- sundae
- syllabub