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单词 take in
释义 take in
1.attend 出席
*Let's have lunch here and then take in a movie.我们在这儿吃午饭,然后去看场电影。
2.deceive;cheat 欺骗
*The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.营业员发现很容易欺骗老年妇女。
*He certainly took us in with his stories about his experiences in Mexico.他一定是用他在墨西哥的经历来欺骗我们。
*Don't trust that fellow;he'll take you in if he gets the chance.别相信那个家伙,他一有机会就会使你上当。
*We were completely taken in by his story.我们完全被他的谎言欺骗了。
3.receive and accommodate as a guest or as a boarder in one's house;give shelter to 在家里接待客人或搭伙者;收容
*Our hotel is full,we can't take in any more guests.我们的旅馆已经客满,不能再接待客人了。
*After the death of her husband she had to take in boarders.在她丈夫死后,她不得不接纳搭伙的人。
*The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless child.这位好心的老太太主动提出收留那个无家可归的穷孩子。
4.understand;grasp 理解
*We need some time to take the situation in.我们需要一些时间来弄清情况。
*This book is so difficult that I'm tired;I can't take in what the author means.这本书很难,我无法理解作者的意思。
*I tried my best to explain the matter to him,but he still couldn't take in what I was saying.我尽最大努力向他解释这件事,但他仍然不能理解我在说什么。
5.accept(work)into one's house to be done for pay 接活在家做
*She scraped along by taking in sewing.她在家替人做针线活勉强糊口。
6.include 包括
*The study of physics takes in many different subjects.物理学的研究包含了很多不同的科目。
*I think this list takes in everybody.我想这个名单是包括了所有的人。
*This love of our country takes in our families,relations,friends and acquaintances.这种对我们国家的爱也包括了对我们的家庭、亲戚、朋友以及我们所认识的人的爱。
7.make narrower;make smaller;reduce the size or measurement(of garments)改小(服装)
*This skirt is too loose at the waist;I shall have to get the dressmaker to take it in.这条裙子腰围太宽了,我要让裁缝改小一点。
*This dress needs to be taken in a bit at the neck.这件衣服的领子要改小一些。
8.see at a glance;observe keenly 一眼看清;敏锐地观察到
*He took in what was happening and decided to get away quickly.他一眼就明白了是怎么回事,于是决定立即脱身。
*The police officer took in every detail of the room at a glance.警官一眼就把屋里的每个细小的地方都敏锐地看到了。
9.subscribe to;receive and pay for regularly 订阅
*Which newspaper do you take in?你订阅什么报纸?
*I take in China Daily.我订《中国日报》。
10.accept without question;believe 毫不怀疑地接受;轻信
The poor man takes in all the lies
*she tells him.那可怜的人相信了她告诉他的所有谎言。
*The magician did many tricks,and the children took them all in.魔术师变了许多魔术,孩子们都信以为真。




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