a verythincottonmaterial, or apieceof thismaterial:
A 19th-centurypaintingof agirlin a muslindresshungon thewall.墙上挂着一幅19世纪的油画,画中的女孩身着平纹细布连衣裙。
Thesouredmilkisstrainedthrough muslin toleaveasoftballofcheese.酸奶用平纹细布过滤后,剩下一团可以揉捏成形的软奶酪。

Elena Koroleva/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
asquareofthincottonmaterial, usedespeciallyforwipinga baby'smouth:
She haspreparedbystockingup onnappiesand muslins.

lostinbids/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aplainclothmade fromcottonthat can be verylightandthinor veryheavyandthick:
Shesewedcheapmuslinslipcoversfor thecouch.

Kameleon007/iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Pass thestockthrough a muslinclothandfinishwith thebutter.
- FashionableIndianmuslins weresmuggledin from the Channel Islands.
- Shesawtwopacksofwhitetowellingbabygrows,nappies,wipes, apacketofdummies, and apackof muslins.
Textiles made from natural fibres
- bamboo
- bombazine
- burlap
- calico
- cambric
- distaff
- faille
- felt
- fishnet
- flannelette
- needlecord
- netting
- oilskin
- organdie
- organza
- towelling
- tulle
- tweed
- twill
- velvet