dead leg
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌded ˈleɡ/us/ˌded ˈleɡ/aninjurycausedby someone'skneeorfoothittingtheupperpartofyourlegand making theleggonumb(= withoutfeeling):
(因受伤)腿部麻木,腿部失去知觉Theplayerlimpedoff aftersufferingadeadleg.那名运动员腿部受伤麻木,一瘸一拐地离开。
- MarkBatt willplayafterrecoveringfrom adeadlegat Murrayfield.
- AnotherboywasbullyingJacob and he gave him adeadleg,kneeinghim in theleg.
- Theplayerwasstampedon during thematch,sufferingadeadleg.
- Shesustainedadeadleglastweekbut wasdeclaredfitforSaturday.
- Wetreattheminorinjuriessuch asdeadlegsorblisters.
Injuring and injuries
- at-risk
- be in the warsidiom
- bite
- boo-boo
- cripple
- disable
- injure
- injury
- lesion
- lesional
- maim
- reinjury
- scarred
- scathe
- sprain
- strain
- trample
- trauma
- victim
- wounded