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单词 deal


anagreementor anarrangement,especiallyinbusiness
Theunionsandmanagementhavemadea two-yearpayandproductivitydeal.工会和管理层签订了一份为期两年的工资与生产效率协议。
I'llmake/doa dealwithyou - youwashthecarand I'llletyou use ittonight.我和你做个交易吧——你把车洗了,今晚就让你用。
She gota gooddeal(=paidalowprice)onher newhouse.她买新房子时捡了个大便宜。
Isindustrygettingaraw/roughdeal from(= beingunfairly/badlytreatedby)the EU?生产制造业是否正受到欧盟的不公平/恶劣待遇?
More examples
  • Theybackedout of the deal thedaybefore they wereduetosignthecontract.
  • Do youthinkthegovernmentshouldtrytostrikea deal with theterrorists?
  • We won't beableto make aprofiton the dealunlessweraisethesaleprice.
  • After sometoughbargaining, wefinallyagreedon a deal.
  • Ourfirmcouldlosea lot ofmoneyif the deal isunsuccessful.


a good/great deal
Shespendsa good deal of hertimeinChina.她很多时候在中国。
Agreatdeal ofefforthas gone into making thesoftwarereliable.已投入大量精力去提高该软件的稳定性。
They still need agreatdeal moremoneytofinishtheproject.他们仍然需要更多的资金才能完成那个项目。
More examples
  • We Americansoweagreatdeal toourEuropeancousins.
  • I've been in thisjobfor 30years, and I'vepickedup a good deal ofexpertisealong the way.
  • Thisproducthasexcitedagreatdeal ofmediainterest.
  • Agreatdeal has beenachieved, mostnotablyfreeelections.
  • There is agreatdeal ofinterestinharnessingwindandwavesas newsourcesofpower.

dealnoun(SHARING OUT)

theactof dealing(=sharingout)something,especiallyplayingcards
It'syourdeal(=turnto deal).该你发牌了。


Much,a lot,lots,a good deal: adverbs
We use much, a lot, lots and a good deal as adverbs to refer to frequency, quantity and degree.
We use much in questions and negative clauses to talk about degrees of something. We put it in end position:
A lot,a good dealanda great deal
We can use a lot, a good deal and a great deal as adverbs of frequency, quantity or degree:

dealverb[I or T](DO BUSINESS)

to dobusiness
We only dealwithcompanieswhich have a goodcreditrecord.我们只与信誉良好的公司做生意。
slangHowlonghad she been dealing(=sellingdrugs)before she wasarrested?她被捕前贩毒多久了?
slangHe wassuspectedof dealing(=selling)cocaine.他涉嫌贩卖可卡因。
More examples
  • He waspickedup by thepolicefordrugdealing.
  • Heproposeddealingdirectlywith thesuppliers.
  • Makesureyou are dealing with a bona fidecompany.
  • They have always dealthonestlyandfairlywiththeircustomers.
  • Drug dealing ispunishablebydeathin somecountries.

dealverb[I or T](SHARE OUT)

to give orshareout something,especiallyplayingcards
Whoseturnis it to deal?该谁发牌了?
Would you like to deal(out)thecards?你想来发牌吗?
[+ two objects]Deal them fivecardseach./Deal fivecardstoeach of them.给他们每人发5张牌。
We have only asmallamountoffoodandclothingto dealout toeachrefugee.我们只能给每个难民分发少量的食物和衣服。
deal a blow tosb/sth(alsodealsb/stha blow)
tocausesomeone or something, usually aplanorhope, tofailor to beaffectedverybadly
Thelatesttradefigureshave dealt asevereblowtohopesof an earlyeconomicrecovery.最新的贸易数据彻底粉碎了经济早日复苏的希望。
More examples
  • He hadpsychotherapytohelphim deal with hischildhoodtraumas.

Phrasal verbs

deal insth
deal withsb
deal withsth


Put another way, we are dealing with the use of a set of interrelated concepts.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The mapsdealwith climate and emphasise special features relating to rainfall, winds,- etc., which would riot be shown in an ordinary topographical atlas.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It was not an ordinary framework of international cooperation among equal participants, such as those dealing with collective security or global warming.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We are dealing with a philosophical artefact, a concept developed by philosophers for theoretical purposes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, dealing with the purely functional aspects is still going to be central, in particular for users with little previous exposure to functional programming.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The importance of epistatic modifiers was also stressed in chapters six and seven thatdealwith speculation and mimicry, respectively.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The second part of the book contains only two chapters, each dealing with more technical aspects of the production process.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, it is crucial that the legal and technical communities embark on interdisciplinary research todealwith these issues.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A greatdealof technical information is disseminated, but the tone of the book remains relaxed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Fuselages are the technical elements thatdealwith the fluid environment (wind and rain), and lattices are the technical elements that control the light.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The difficulty here concerns the limitations of conceptual and theoretical models for dealing with many of the identified issues.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Chapter five is again a rather theoretical one because the author deals with different types of policy and policy-making, policy analysis and electoral systems.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As these examples show, what we are dealing with here are areas of strong structural equivalence between the two languages.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Function approximations have long been used in optimal structural design for dealing with computationally expensive problems.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The experiment can also be useful to undergraduate classes in developing countries as it helps students develop methods todealwith local problems.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withdeal.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

a great deal of overlap
However, there is a great deal of overlap between 'shopkeeping', 'hawking/carrying', and 'catering/victualling'.
From theCambridge English Corpus
back-room deal
Or would it simply be another informal back-room deal?
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
better deal
Another objective of this project is to better deal with situations where there is a major shortage of heat in the district heating network.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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