theprocessofreachingadecisionoranswerbythinkingabout theknownfacts, or thedecisionthat isreached:
(根据已知的事实所作出的)推断,推论;推论所促成的决定Through aprocessof deduction, thedetectivesdiscoveredtheidentityof thekiller.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。
All we can do is make deductionsfromtheavailablefacts.我们只能根据目前掌握的情况作出各种推论。
Concluding and deducing
- analysis
- deduce
- deducible
- deductive
- diagnosis
- draw
- drawn
- imputesomethingtosomeone
- in the last/final analysisidiom
- inconclusively
- inductive
- inductively
- must
- non-deductive
- put
- putsomethingdown tosomething
- put two and two together and make fiveidiom
- put two and two togetheridiom
- reason
- syllogism
deductionnoun(TAKING AWAY)
thecalculationof taking anamountor apartof something away from atotalor theamountthat is taken away:
减法;扣除TheinterestIreceiveon mysavingsaccountispaidafter the deductionoftax.付给我的存款利息已经扣了税。
[C]USandAustralian English(UKstoppage)
anamountthat is taken away from themoneyyou arepaidbefore youofficiallyreceiveit:
扣除额;减免额After deductions, histaxableincomeis $30,000.除掉免税项目后,他的应税收入为3万美元。
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- devalue
- drop off
- freeze
- knock off (something)
- marksomethingdown
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- spiral
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Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division