dark mode
uk/ˈdɑːk ˌməʊd/us/ˈdɑːrk ˌmoʊd/(alsodark theme,night mode)atypeofdisplay(= a way ofshowingtextandimages)on aphone,computerscreen, etc. that uses ablackordarkbackgroundwithlightertext:
(手机、电脑屏幕的)深色模式Onearticlesuggestedthatdarkmodeiseasiertoreadand uses lessbattery.一篇文章说深色模式更利于阅读也更省电。
Indarkmode, thesystemuses adarkercolourpalettefor allscreens,views,menus, andcontrols.在深色模式下,系统对所有屏幕、视图、菜单和控件使用较暗的配色方案。
- Switching ondarkmodecanhelpyouavoidsome of theeyestraincausedbybrightscreens.
- We show you how toenabledarkmodeforyourbrowser.
- Darkmodeisincreasinglypopular, but someargueit isactuallyhardertoread.
- Darkmodecan beusefulforpeoplewho have “photophobia,” aconditionin whichbrightlightcantriggermigraines.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- internet
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test