uk/friː/us/friː/freeadjective,adverb(NOT LIMITED)
自由的;无拘束的[+ to infinitive]Am I free(= do I havepermission)toleavenow?现在我可以离开了吗?
I'll give you akey, so you'll be freetocome and go as you like.我会给你一把钥匙,这样你就可以自由进出了。
Pleasefeelfreetointerruptme if you don'tunderstandanything.如果有什么不明白的地方,可以随时打断我。
Theagreementgivescompaniesfreeaccessto themarketsofmembercountries.该协议使各家公司可以自由进入成员国市场。
Agreatdealhas beenachieved, mostnotablyfreeelections(=electionsin whichpeoplecanvoteas theywish).已经取得了很大的成绩,最突出的是争取到了自由选举权。
free and easy
轻松自在的Theatmospherein theofficeisfairlyfree andeasy.办公室里的气氛相当轻松自在。
- Feel free tohelpyourself tocoffee.
- I do a lot ofreadingin my freetime.
- We like to get themarketingdone onThursdaysso we can have theweekendfree.
- Therecentfreeelectionsmarkthe nextstepin the country'sprogresstowardsdemocracy.
- The veryconceptof freespeechisunknownto them.
Freedom to act
- (as) free as a birdidiom
- agency
- at willidiom
- autonomous
- autonomy
- blank cheque
- free hand
- free pass
- free reinidiom
- free spirit
- free-form
- me time
- no holds barredidiom
- non-didactic
- non-directed
- non-restricted
- paddle
- rein
- voluntary
- wriggle room
freeadjective,adverb(NO CHARGE)
costingnothing, or notneedingto bepaidfor:
免费的I got some freecinematickets.我搞到了一些免费电影票。
Members allreceivea freecopyof themonthlynewsletter.会员都会收到一份免费的通讯月刊。
Theelderlytravelfree onpublictransport.老年人可以免费乘坐公交车。
We willinstallyourwashingmachinefreeofcharge/forfree(= withoutcharge).我们将会为您免费安装洗衣机。
get something for free
- get something for freeReaders of her blog get advice for free.
- get something for nothingYou don't get anything for nothing these days.
- freeloadThen he went off to freeload some more drinks.
- bumHe bums the occasional cigarette from his older brother.
- cadgeShe's always cadging drinks from the people she is with.
- scroungeCan I scrounge a lift with you?
- Adultspayanadmissionchargebutchildrenget in free.
- Thebookswill bedistributedfree tolocalschools.
- All thecarpetswesellarefittedfree.
- Theyfixedmywatchfree ofcharge.
- Adultspayanadmissionchargebutchildrenget in free.
Costing little or no money
- chargeless
- cheap
- cheap rate
- cheapness
- chintzy
- comp
- compliment
- complimentary
- cut-price
- economical
- economy-size
- entry level
- ex gratia
- free of charge
- glossy
- nominal
- off-peak
- rock bottom
- schlock
- valueless
freeadjective,adverb(NOT IN PRISON)
not aprisoneranylonger, or havingunlimitedmovement:
获释的;行动不受限制的Sheleftthecourta free woman after thecaseagainst hercollapsedbecause of alegaltechnicality.由于某个法律技术细则,对她的指控被推翻,她以一个自由人的身份离开了法庭。
The newgovernmenthasdecidedtosetallpoliticalprisonersfree.新政府已决定释放全部政治犯。
Shewent/walkedfree after thechargesagainst her weredropped.对她的指控都撤销后,她获得了自由。
Iletthedogsrunfree in thepark.我让狗在公园里随便跑。
- Don't youthinkthatallowingacriminalto go free isperhapsbetterthanimprisoninganinnocentperson?
- He went free because thejurydecidedthere was areasonabledoubtabout hisguilt.
- Thepolicereasonedwith the hijackers to at leastletthechildrengo free.
- TheCourtof Appealreversedtheearlierjudgmentand set him free.
- Afteryearsinprison, the men who hadwrongfullybeenfoundguiltyof thebombingwerefinallyset free.
Freedom to act
- (as) free as a birdidiom
- agency
- at willidiom
- autonomous
- autonomy
- blank cheque
- free hand
- free pass
- free reinidiom
- free spirit
- free-form
- me time
- no holds barredidiom
- non-didactic
- non-directed
- non-restricted
- paddle
- rein
- voluntary
- wriggle room
not in afixedpositionor notjoinedto anything:
Theboltshaveworkedthemselves free because of thevibrations.插销由于震动都松开了。
Rescuers took severalhourstocutthesurvivorsfreefromthewreckage.救援人员花了好几个小时才将残骸切割开,把幸存者解救出来。
Separateness and isolation in space
- apart
- apartheid
- atomistic
- atomized
- bitty
- freely
- gappy
- givesomething/someonea wide berthidiom
- hermetically sealed
- in piecesidiom
- loose
- privacy
- private
- purdah
- resegregation
- secluded
- unassembled
- unattached
- uninhabited
- untethered
free and clear
uk/friː/us/friː/freeadjective(NOT BUSY)
not doing anythingplannedorimportant, oravailableto be used:
空闲的;空余的;未使用的I do a lot ofreadingin my freetime.我业余时间大量读书。
She's in ameetingat themoment, but she should be freetoseeyou in tenminutes.她此时正在开会,但10分钟以后她会有空见你。
I'mworkingin thecaféall thisweek, but I've got a freeeveningnextMonday.整整这一个星期我都在咖啡馆工作,但我下周一晚上有空。
Excuse me, is thisseatfree(= is anyoneintendingtositin thisseat)?对不起,这个座位有人坐吗?
Wequeuedforhalfanhourwaitingfor a freespacein thecarpark.我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。
If you take thesebags, that will give me a freehandtoopenthedoor.你拿一下这些包,我就能腾出手来开门了。
- I've got something on thisTuesday, but I'm free onWednesday.
- I justwantedtoaskyou if you're free thisafternoon.
- We like to get themarketingdone onThursdaysso we can have theweekendfree.
- Are you free atlunchtime?
- She's never athomebecause shespendsall her freetimeathockeypractices.
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- stream
- unfreeze
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
C1[after verb]
not having something that isunwantedorunpleasant:
无须的;没有(不想要或令人不快之物)的Theorganizationis acharitableenterprise, so it is freefromtaxworldwide.由于该组织是慈善机构,它在世界各国都不必纳税。
She'll never becompletelyfreeofthedisease.她这种病永远也无法彻底治愈。
Ensure thewoundis freefrom/ofdirtbeforeapplyingthebandage.上绷带以前要保证伤口不沾染污物。
Lacking things
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- be hard up (forsomething)idiom
- bereft
- catch
- cry out forsomething
- hole
- lack
- lacking
- minus
- need
- needsomethinglike you need a hole in the headidiom
- needful
- scream
- shy
- starvesomeone/somethingofsomething
- taken
- unaccompanied
- unappeased
- unassuaged
freeadjective(GIVING/USING OFTEN)
free with
giving or using often or inlargeamounts:
慷慨的;大手大脚的;无节制的He'sratherfree with his wife'smoney.他花起他妻子的钱来相当慷慨。
make free withUKdisapproving
to use something thatbelongsto someoneelsea lot:
经常随便使用(别人的东西)Don't herparentsmindher making free withtheirhousewhile they're onholiday?难道她的父母就不介意她在他们度假时擅自使用他们的房子吗?
If anelementis free, it is notcombinedwith anythingelseorattachedto anythingelse:
Chemical elements
- actinium
- alkali metal
- americium
- astatine
- berkelium
- brimstone
- bromine
- calcium
- fluorine
- germanium
- iodine
- lithium
- manganese
- nickel
- plutonium
- quicksilver
- selenium
- sodium
- transition metal
- zinc
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Separateness and isolation in space
a free ride
there's no such thing as a free lunch
uk/friː/us/friː/freeverb(NOT IN PRISON)
toallowsomeone toleaveaprisonorplacewhere they have beenkept:
释放;使自由After a ten-hoursiegethegunmanagreedto free thehostages.经过10个小时的围困,持枪歹徒同意释放人质。
Anti-vivisectionists lastnightfreed anumberofanimalsfromalaboratory.反对活体解剖的人昨晚放走了实验室里的很多动物。
- Thegovernmentpursuedeveryofficialchannelto free thehostages.
- She was freed fromprisonthrough theagencyof herdoctor.
- She never gave up thestruggleto have hersonfreed fromprison.
- Mostpoliticalprisonerswere freed under thetermsof theamnesty.
- Thecampaignersappealedto thegovernmentto free theprisoners.
Liberating, relaxing and releasing
- breathe
- breathe easieridiom
- cathartic
- chillax
- decontrol
- deregulate
- discharge
- let/setsomethinglooseidiom
- liberalization
- liberate
- liberated
- loose
- loose your hold/gripidiom
- relax
- relaxyourgrip/holdidiom
- turnsomeone/somethinglooseidiom
- unbeholden
- unbind
- walk
- walk freeidiom
freeverb(MAKE LOOSE)
tomoveor makeloosesomeone or something that iscaughtorheldsomewhere:
松开,解开Both men were freed from thewreckageafter a four-houroperation.经过4个小时的施救,两个人都被从残骸中解救出来。
Invainhetriedto free theropearound hishands.他想挣脱掉捆住他双手的绳子,结果是白费力气。
Liberating, relaxing and releasing
- breathe
- breathe easieridiom
- cathartic
- chillax
- decontrol
- deregulate
- discharge
- let/setsomethinglooseidiom
- liberalization
- liberate
- liberated
- loose
- loose your hold/gripidiom
- relax
- relaxyourgrip/holdidiom
- turnsomeone/somethinglooseidiom
- unbeholden
- unbind
- walk
- walk freeidiom
[T+ obj + to infinitive]
toremovethelimitsorcontrolson someone or something:
解除限制(或控制)Herretirementfrompoliticswill free her(=provideher with enoughtime)towrite hermemoirs.退出政界将使她有充足的时间来写回忆录。
Liberating, relaxing and releasing
- breathe
- breathe easieridiom
- cathartic
- chillax
- decontrol
- deregulate
- discharge
- let/setsomethinglooseidiom
- liberalization
- liberate
- liberated
- loose
- loose your hold/gripidiom
- relax
- relaxyourgrip/holdidiom
- turnsomeone/somethinglooseidiom
- unbeholden
- unbind
- walk
- walk freeidiom
to make somethingavailablefor someone to use:
腾出,空出Theyplannedtoextendthecarpark, freeingexistingparkingspacesforvisitors.他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。
Can youcancelmymeetings- I need to free(up)theafternoonto write thisreport.你能取消我的那些会议吗——我得空出下午的时间来写这份报告。
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- stream
- unfreeze
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
Phrasal verb