anumbereddayin amonth, often given with acombinationof thenameof theday, themonth, and theyear:
日期;日子What's the date (today)?/What date is it?/What's today's date?今天几号?
UKToday's date is 11June(the eleventh ofJune).今天是6月11号。
USToday's date isJune11 (Junethe eleventh).今天是6月11号。
What isyourdateofbirth?你的出生日期是哪一天?
Theclosingdate forapplicationsis the end of thismonth.申请截止日期为本月底。
Weagreedtomeetagain at alaterdate.我们定好晚些时候再会面。
I'd like tofixa date forournextmeeting.我想定下我们下次会面的日期。
Imade adate(=agreeda date andtime)toseeher about thehouse.我已与她说好了见面谈房子的日期。
See also
out of date(FASHION)
up to date
年份The date on thecoinis 1789.硬币上的年份是1789年。
Albert Einstein's dates are 1879 to 1955(= he wasbornin 1879 anddiedin 1955).阿尔伯特‧爱因斯坦生于1879年,卒于1955年。
amonthand ayear:
(年月)时间Theexpiry(USexpiration) date of thiscertificateisAugust2017.本证书的失效日期为2017年8月
- We've written to himaskinghim if he'sfreeon that date but we haven't had anansweryet.
- As the date of hisoperationdrewnear, hebecamemore and moreanxious.
- Ifnecessary, we can alwayschangethe dates ofourtrip.
- Do youknowthe date of Caroline and Matthew'swedding?
- Applicationsreceivedafter theclosingdate will not beaccepted.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- night
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Years & yearly
Specific periods of time
asocialmeetingplannedbefore ithappens,especiallyone between twopeoplewho have or might have aromanticrelationship:
(异性间的)约会,幽会Heaskedher outon adate.他把她约了出去。
She has ahotdate(= anexcitingmeeting)tonight.她今晚有一个朝思暮想的约会。
mainly US
apersonyou have aromanticmeetingwith:
约会对象Who'syourdate for theprom?你约了谁去参加舞会?
- We went out on a date.
- I've got a date with someone fromworktonight.
- Iknowshe's going to thecinemawith himtonightbut I don'tknowif it's a date as such.
- I went there on a date with aboyI used toknow.
- So who'syourdatetonight?
Meeting people
- ayup
- bump
- bump intosomeone
- crosssomeone'spath/cross paths withsomeoneidiom
- deal
- deal withsomeone
- farewell
- makeyourselfknownidiom
- mass
- meeting
- open house
- payyourrespectsidiom
- reconvene
- recross
- red carpet
- remember
- remembersomeonetosomeone
- rendezvous
- respect
- town meeting
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Relationships: finding a partner
演出,表演They've justfinishedanexhausting75-dateEuropeantour.他们刚刚结束了欧洲巡回表演,一共演了75场,可谓筋疲力尽。
Spectacles & performances
- aerobatic
- amateur theater
- balancing act
- bullfight
- bullfighting
- double-header
- minstrel show
- music hall
- non-musical
- one-night stand
- one-person
- rendering
- routine
- spectacle
- spectacular
- street theatre
- stripping
- striptease
- super-spectacle
- supershow
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Musical performances
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- kumquat
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- pomelo
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
We write the date in English in different ways. The most common way in British English is to write the day of the month first, then the month (starting with a capital letter) and then the year:…Writing the date
We write the date in English in different ways. The most common way in British English is to write the day of the month first, then the month (starting with a capital letter) and then the year:…Speaking the date
We ask the date or about dates in several ways. We can add the and of when we reply:…Idioms
it's a date
to date
to write the day's date on something you have written or made:
在…上写上日子,在…上标明日期[+ obj + noun]Thank you foryourletterdated 30August.谢谢你8月30日的来信。
to say howlongsomething hasexistedor when it was made:
确定…的年代,推算…形成的时间Archaeologists have beenunableto date thesefossils.考古学家无法确定这些化石的生成年代。
Anantiquedealerhad dated thevaseat(= said that it was made in)1734.古玩经销商推算那个花瓶的制造年代为1734年。
- The TVprogrammeshowsarchaeologistsusing thelatesttechnologyto date things they havefound.
- Yourchequeshould be dated before or on thedaythebillisdue.
- When theyliftedthecarpet, theyfoundanewspaperdated 5August1952.
- Theportraitissignedand dated 1893.
- Thepainting, dated 1928, isexpectedtofetchup to £250,000.
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- tab
- unwritten
- writ
- writing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Origins and sources
toregularlyspendtimewith someone you have aromanticrelationshipwith:
约会,(和…)谈恋爱They dated for fiveyearsbefore they gotmarried.他们谈了5年恋爱才结婚。
Howlonghave you been dating Nicky?你和尼基谈恋爱有多久了?
- She dated astringofactorsbefore shemether firsthusband.
- Shebecamefamouswhen shestarteddating one of the country'stopfootballstars.
- Would you date a man tenyearsyoungerthan yourself?
- Theirparentsdidn'tapproveoftheirrelationshipso they had to date insecret.
- The two of them dated for a while, but it didn'tworkout.
Relationships: finding a partner
- a heavy dateidiom
- be on the pullidiom
- chase
- computer dating
- court
- courtship
- cruising
- go back tosomeone
- heavy
- hook up
- internet dating
- lonely
- lonely heartsidiom
- match
- personal ad
- pin
- pull
- pursue
- singles bar
- speed dating
dateverb(SHOW AGE)
过时,不流行Some James Bondfilmshave dated more thanothers.和另外一些电影相比,詹姆斯‧邦德系列电影中有一些很快就过时了。
to show theageof apersonor thing:
表明…的年龄;揭示…的年代I canrememberwatchingliveTVcoverageof the firstlunarlanding, so that dates me(=showshowoldI am).我还能记得观看首次登月电视直播的情景,由此可以看出我的年纪。
Old or old-fashioned
- age-old
- ageing
- ancient
- antediluvian
- anti-progressive
- fossilization
- fossilize
- fossilized
- frumpy
- fusty
- have hadits/yourdayidiom
- neanderthal
- outdate
- outdated
- outmoded
- outworn
- passé
- used
- vintage
- went out with the arkidiom
Phrasal verbs
date back
date fromsomething